Manga Studio, the world’s leading comic andmanga creation software, delivers powerful art tools for everymanga and comic artist. Save time and increase productivity withcustomizable tool palettes. Draw naturally with a pen tablet andinvigorate your drawings using color and built-in special effects.You will have the possibility to import 3D objects and use them asbackgrounds to enhance your artwork.
Import and export to most popular file formats, and publishprofessional quality manga for print or web. Manga Studio offersthousands of screen tones, professional drawing and coloring tools,and in depth layout and rendering capabilities, making it anessential tool for professional Comic and Manga artists.
Here are some key features of “Manga Studio”:
– Manga Studio recreates the atmosphere and drawing feel oftraditional manga and comic illustration.
– 160+ Page Templates give you an enormous array of pre-definedsizes, including four-panel manga and postcard sizes.
– The Panel Ruler makes it easy to add panels to your comic for aprofessional look.
– Add, Remove, and Replace Tones with a simple drag & drop.Choose from over 3,000 screen tones.
– Color Toolkit: Color your artwork using the integrated color setwith millions of colors and specialized color tools such as thedodging tool and burning tool.
– 2DLT Rendering automatically converts images or photos from adigital camera to lines and tones.
– 3DLT Rendering can import 3D object data (LWO, OBJ, DXF, LWS,STC) for easy three-dimensional modeling or backgrounds.
– The Action Palette saves you time and tedious effort byorganizing common multi-step operations into single-action commandsfor instant results. Think of macros with double the power.
– Raster to Vector Conversion makes it possible to export yourbitmap drawings to resolution-independent vector images. Variousvector tools have been added such as vector selection, vector snapand center line display.
– SHD (Super High Density) Technology provides automaticanti-aliasing, correcting for jaggedy lines and other imperfectionsin images for the ultimate smooth, professional look.
– Filter Set: Apply special distortions to images, adjust huesaturation and use blur filters to create special blurring effectsusing the wide variety of built-in filters.
– History Palette: Work history is recorded in the History Paletteand can be returned via a single mouse click.
– Custom Tool Palette: Frequently used tools and menu commands canbe registered in this palette.
Setup+Crack Size: 238 + 280 + 810 MB
Download Links > Manga Studio v5.0.0 + Manga Studio EX v5.0.3 + Sample Data + Materials + Crack