Software Description:
Micrium’s µC/Probe is a Windows applicationthat allows you to read and write the memory of any embedded targetprocessor during run-time, and map those values to a set of virtualcontrols and indicators placed on a graphical dashboard. Absolutelyno programming is required – simply drag and drop the graphiccomponents into place, and watch them go.
µC/Probe works with a wide variety of embedded processors, andsupports communication via J‑Link, CMSIS-DAP, Cypress PSoC Prog,TCP/IP, USB, RS-232, or proxies such as the IAR Systems EmbeddedWorkbench Plugin for µC/Probe or the Eclipse Plugin forµC/Probe.
You can also use μC/Probe to extend the capabilities of yourdebugging software by running both at the same time. μC/Probeallows you to have instant control over your global variables in areal-time and non-intrusive way.
The features of µC/Probe include:
– You can display – at run-time – the live value of variables onthe target using graphical representations such as gauges, meters,bargraphs, graphs, plots, numeric indicators, and bitmaps. And youcan change the value of any variable on the fly.
– If your development tools include any of IAR Systems EmbeddedWorkbenches, then µC/Probe is fully integrated with them withoutany special code running in the target. Otherwise, μC/Probeinterfaces to the embedded target using a Segger J-Link, CMSIS-DAP,Cypress PSoC Prog, RS-232 port, USB or via TCP/IP.With J-Link,CMSIS-DAP and Cypress PSoC Prog, you don’t need to add any targetresident code to be able to read and write variables on the target.With RS-232C, USB or TCP/IP, Micrium provides the softwareinterface needed to add to the embedded application and the driversfor certain platforms. Try our Communication Options Advisor toconfirm your platform is supported by µC/Probe.
– μC/Probe supplements the limited capabilities of your debugger byallowing you to look and change live data using graphicalindicators and controls.
– μC/Probe also includes built-in kernel awareness for μC/OS-III,which allows you to display a variety of statistics, including:stack usage and CPU usage per task, whether a task is running,whether a task is waiting for an event to occur, and much, muchmore.
– µC/Probe also includes an Oscilloscope Control that allows you toplot the value of any of your global variables and I/O registers atvery high sampling rates.
Installer Size: 134.13 MB
Download Links : Micrium µC/Probe v4.0.16.10 Professional Edition + Crack