Download> PC Tools Desktop Maestro v2.0.0.330 Full Version Patch Crack

Desktop Maestro is an all-in-one applicationthat integrates registry cleaning, system monitoring and privacycleaning. Desktop Maestro combines the features of award winningproducts, Privacy Guardian and Registry Mechanic to ensure that itsusers have the range of tools at your fingertips to ensure optimalcomputer performance, stability and user privacy.
Registry Cleaner
With Desktop Maestro, you can safely clean, repair and optimize theWindows registry with a few simple mouse clicks. Problems with theWindows registry are a common cause of Windows crashes, slowperformance and error messages.
Desktop Maestro uses a high-performance detection algorithm toquickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windowsregistry. These problems can occur for many reasons includingincorrect or incomplete removal of software, missing or corrupthardware drivers and orphaned startup programs.

Within a few easy steps, Desktop Maestro will scan your entireregistry for any invalid entries and list the registry errors foundso you can choose to selectively clean each item or automaticallyrepair all errors. Desktop Maestro can also make a backup of anyrepairs made so that you can easily recover any changes ifrequired.
Privacy Protection
The Privacy Guardian feature of Desktop Maestro guarantees yourprivacy by ensuring that all traces of your online and computeractivities are permanently erased and unrecoverable on your PC.Information from every website you visit is stored on your computerand recorded in hidden Windows locations including temporary files,cookies, system registry and the index.dat file.
Web browsers only provide partial privacy protection by allowingsome temporary internet files and cookies to be deleted, butPrivacy Guardian also cleans data out of all the hidden files anddeletes the data securely. It also frees valuable hard drive spaceand speeds up system performance by cleaning old and unusedtemporary records. It allows you to simply and securely erasesensitive files from Windows, Microsoft Office, Netscape, WindowsMedia Player and Internet Explorer.
System Optimization
Desktop Maestro provides optimization and performance features thatallow you to actively monitor system usage, processes, CPU, memoryand disk space. The registry compacting feature analyzes, rebuildsand compacts the Windows Registry by removing registry gaps andfree space, and corrupt keys thereby making your PC start-upquicker and with more available memory.
The system optimization function applies a set of tweaks andpatches directly onto your PC that are designed to improve systemperformance and usability. The built-in defragmentation toolprovides a streamlined interface to the Windows Disk Defragmenterwhich will optimize the files on your disk for faster fileaccess.

Here are some key features of “Desktop Mechanic”:
– Scan Your Computer
Built on the award-winning Registry Mechanic product is an advancedregistry scanner that can safely clean, repair and optimize yourregistry.
– Clean Your Computer
Built on the popular Privacy Guardian product, Desktop Maestroprovides privacy cleaning to ensure all traces of your onlinehistory and computer activities are permanently erased andunrecoverable on your computer.
– Optimize Your computer
Desktop Maestro provides a number of optimization and monitoringtools that allow users to improve their computer performance andactively view useful system information such as CPU usage, runningprocesses and disk space. The system optimizer also includesregistry compacting & optimization tweaks, along with auser-friendly interface to the Windows Disk Defragmenter.

Installer Size: 4.7 MB

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