Software Description: PDF Converter Elite v5.0.7.0 Crack Patch
Solve PDF hassles and save your organization valuable time andmoney with PDF Converter Elite . Convert PDF toWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher. Create, secure PDF and editPDF. PDF Converter Elite was developed with the business user inmind. Create, convert and edit any type of PDF with ease and for afraction of a cost of Adobe Acrobat.
Here are some key features of “PDF ConverterElite”:
– Save More, Get More
PDF Converter Elite combines the PDF creation technology of AdobeAcrobat with our own proprietary PDF conversion technology. Theresult is a single software product with the ability to create PDFsand extract PDFs. And the best part is that it is a fraction of theprice of Adobe Acrobat.
– Complete PDF Management
PDF Converter Elite offers the complete PDF conversion cycle. Fromcreating PDFs from over 300+ different file types, to the abilityto take PDF documents and transform them into editable Word, Exceland PowerPoint documents, PDF Converter Elite is a one-stopsoftware solution.
– Increase Productivity & Save Time
PDF Converter Elite will save you time, resulting in thousands ofdollars of savings and less administrative headaches. Create PDFdocuments with our single click add-ons. Our unique PDF conversionand extraction technology lets you convert your documents withouthaving to edit them afterwards.
– Create PDF
Create PDF files from 300+ different MS Windows applications.Create 100% compatible PDF files that can be easily viewed inpopular PDF viewers such as Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Foxit.
– Convert PDF
Take images and text out of a PDF and move them into a differenttype of file. Convert PDF to Word and retain images and text ineditable Word. Our PDF to Excel conversion inputs right intoformatted Excel spreadsheets for easy numerical analysis.PowerPoint files locked away in a PDF can be accessed with our PDFto PowerPoint conversion.
– Scanned PDF Handling
Working with scanned or image PDFs? Convert text from scanned andimage PDFs to Word, Excel and PowerPoint effortlessly.
– Secure and Protect PDF
Limit how others use your PDFs by encrypting your PDFs and placingrestrictions on how they are used and what can be done withthem.
– Edit and Modify PDF
Rework your PDF documents by inserting watermarks, numbers,headers, footers and more. Add, delete, extract, rotate and splitPDF pages.
– One Click Conversion
Take data in and out of PDFs with a single click.
– More than Just a PDF Tool
Working with TIFF files as well? Convert them to MS Office formatsand much more.
Installer Size: 70.03 MB
Download Links : PDF Converter Elite v5.0.7.0 Crack