Catalyst Browse v2017.2.0.263 CE Crack Serial


Software Description: Catalyst Browse v2017.2.0.263 CE + Full Crack

Catalyst Browse works as your media assistantand lets you browse files from your Sony camera, deck, or cardreader. With detailed views of individual clips, you can see andedit media metadata, accurately view video in the proper sourcecolor space, and apply color correction and color looks. Onceyou’ve selected the clips you need, you can copy them to a localhard drive or connected NAS, upload to Sony Media Cloud ServicesCi, transcode to a variety of formats, as well as create, ingest,and export Sony Professional Disc clip lists.

Here are some key features of “CatalystBrowse”:
– Quickly browse files on your device in a visual thumbnail view ora detailed list
– The Places pane provides quick access to your internal andexternal drives, and any connected devices such as cameras, decks,or card readers. Drag and drop files between connected devices andinternal or external storage
– See the details of each clip, check focus, mark in and outpoints, adjust colors, and edit metadata
– Copy all clips on the media, a subset, or only the desiredportion of a clip to save time and space
– View the full color range shot by your Sony S-Log and RAW camerasfor total confidence. Apply color correction and import/exportstandard ASC-CDL files to save time and share with other tools inyour workflow
– Automatically detect and repair flash band problems created byflash photography
– Transcode clips to a variety of video production formats. Uploadclips directly to Sony Media Cloud Services Ci for collaborativeteam review
– Create, import, and export Sony Professional Disc clip lists forquick playout

Installer Size: 127.48 MB

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