Software Description:
solidThinking Activate enables productcreators, system simulation and control engineers to model,simulate and optimize multi-disciplinary systems to ensure that alldesign requirements are successfully met while also identifyingsystem level problems early in the design process. Activate’sintuitive block diagram environment empowers users to rapidly builddemonstrations of how real world systems function and easily trynew ideas without any need to build prototypes.
Improve system level performance
Simulate and improve the dynamic behavior of any multi-disciplinarysystem using Activate. Activate makes it easy to model, simulateand validate smart systems where users can incorporate functions ofsensing, actuation and control coming from diverse components.
Design for robustness
Model based development using Activate provides an efficientapproach for establishing a common framework for communicationthroughout the design process. Perform what-if analyses at thesystem level to quickly test several designs and investigate theinteractions of all components in a system.
Gain functional insight early
Activate empowers users to identify system level problems early inthe design process while ensuring that all the design requirementsare met. Activate provides its users with a standard set ofpredefined blocks that can easily be combined to model uniquesystems. Activate users can easily leverage the large library ofModelica physical components to further describe the plant and thecontroller.
Build diagrams intuitively
– Drag, drop and connect paradigm to rapidly construct models
– Multiple window configuration with the ability to modify diagramsbetween windows using the drag-and-drop and copy-and-pasteoperations
– Support for concurrent loading of multiple models in asession
Hybrid modeling
Model and simulate continuous and discrete dynamic systems.
Multi-disciplinary modeling
Real-world systems are multi-domain in nature. Activate allowsusers to model and simulate the combined system behavior of realworld systems with support for multiple domains such as mechanical,electrical and others.
Hierarchical & Parametric Modeling
– Build hierarchical component-based models of the real worldsystem using signal based and physical modeling libraries.
– Mix signal based and physical modeling blocks in the samemodel.
– When modeling large or complex systems, easily create superblocks by encapsulating multiple blocks in a diagram into a singleblock. Super blocks are modular, reusable, can be masked andfundamentally behave like regular blocks allowing users moreflexibility.
– Since a model can be hierarchical and parameters can be definedat different levels, Activate provides an all available parametersoption, which lets users navigate in a diagram and get a report ofall parameters that are known or defined at a current level.
– Generate C-code directly from your model.
Built-in block-based model libraries
Activate includes a large variety of predefined blocks that areavailable in a library system of palettes. Users can also createtheir own custom blocks in C or math scripts and save them to newor existing libraries.
Installer Size: 221 MB
Download Links : solidThinking Activate v2016.2 Build 2102 x64 + Crack