SpaceClaim Engineer is the world’s fastest andmost innovative 3D direct modeler. SpaceClaim Engineer brings 3Dsolid modeling to the desktops of engineers and analysts who workin 3D, with a simplicity and low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)never seen before in CAD. With SpaceClaim Engineer, you benefitfrom a:
– Short learning curve
– Low entry price and total cost-of-ownership
– Fast return on investment
SpaceClaim enables engineers to easily create concepts and prepare3D designs for digital prototyping, analysis, and manufacturing.SpaceClaim Engineer is especially suited for engineers anddesigners who need a tool that enables simulation-driven productdesign for:
– Concept Modeling
– Bid Modeling
– CAE Model Preparation
– Geometry Editing
– Geometry Repair
– Manufacturing, including:
Additive manufacturing (rapid prototyping)
De-featuring and adjusting for NC programming
Sheet metal manufacturing
Mold manufacturing
3D Solids from 2D Drawings and Images
Extending the Value of 3D to EverydayEngineering
SpaceClaim’s 3D Direct Modeling technology revolutionizes the wayyou think about working with 3D solid models because it lets youfocus on your design without the complexity of traditional CAD. Forexample, you can reuse data without planning and remix geometryfrom other designs, even those created in CAD systems. You can takea design where it needs to go, regardless of how it was built orthe CAD system in which it was created.
SpaceClaim helps you get the ideas right without wasting a lot oftime with traditional CAD history and constraints. Create newconcepts and share them with other engineers before entering thedetailed design phase; together, you get the concepts right andavoid expensive last-minute design changes. From a blank slate,start drawing 3D shapes as easily and freely as you should on theback of a napkin. De-feature and simplify parts for analysis ormanufacturing and optimize the design without being constrained byoriginal modeling intent.
Setup+Crack Size: 1430 MB
Download Links > SpaceClaim 2015 x86/x64 + Crack