Download NI AWR Design Environment v12.01 x64 + Full Crack


Software Description:

NI AWR Design Environment focuses on providingthe most comprehensive, powerful, and easy-to-use suite of softwaredesign tools for the microwave and radio frequency (RF)communities. The goal of NI AWR software has always been toaccelerate the design and product development cycle ofhigh-frequency ICs, RF PCBs, and modules as well as communicationsand radar systems found within the aerospace/defense,semiconductor, computer, consumer electronics, andtelecommunications markets.
NI AWR Design Environment key technologies are all integratedwithin a single environment. Microwave Office circuit designsoftware is a complete suite of tools featuring state-of-the-artcircuit simulators, layout creation, and electromagnetic (EM)simulation. Circuit simulation relies on the best-in-class APLACfrequency and time domain simulators, while EM simulation featuresAXIEM for planar simulations and Analyst for full 3D finite elementmethod problems. Visual System Simulator (VSS) is a comprehensiveRF system simulation tool, with several features geared toward RFcommunication and radar systems.

Here are some key features of “NI AWR DesignEnvironment”:
– Load-pull improvements including swept load pull and source pullas well as yield analysis
– Layout additions and improved operational functionality for iNet,vias, etc.
– EM layout enhanced to better support SML library components
– Expanded options for system simulation models with bi-directionalports
– More than a dozen features added, enhanced, or improved relatedto 3D EM modeling
– Scripting updates and improvements for load pull and PDKs, forinstance
– Wizard additions for linear analysis and stability analysis(STAN)
– Numerous other ease-of-use and productivity-enhancing additionsand modifications

Installer Size: 344.28 MB

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