Kali Linux 2017.1 x86/x64 + Full Crack


Software Description:

Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linuxdistribution designed for digital forensics and penetrationtesting. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security Ltd.Mati Aharoni, Devon Kearns and Raphaël Hertzog are the coredevelopers.
Kali Linux is preinstalled with over 600 penetration-testingprograms, including nmap (a port scanner), Wireshark (a packetanalyzer), John the Ripper (a password cracker), Aircrack-ng (asoftware suite for penetration-testing wireless LANs), Burp suiteand OWASP ZAP (both web application security scanners). Kali Linuxcan run natively when installed on a computer’s hard disk, can bebooted from a live CD or live USB, or it can run within a virtualmachine. It is a supported platform of the Metasploit Project’sMetasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing securityexploits.

Kali Linux has a dedicated project set-aside for compatibilityand porting to specific Android devices, called Kali LinuxNetHunter.

It is the first Open Source Android penetration testing platformfor Nexus devices, created as a joint effort between the Kalicommunity member “BinkyBear” and Offensive Security. It supportsWireless 802.11 frame injection, one-click MANA Evil Access Pointsetups, HID keyboard (Teensy like attacks), as well as Bad USB MITMattacks.[10]

BackTrack (Kali’s predecessor) contained a mode known as forensicmode. This capability was carried over to Kali via live boot. Thismode is very popular for many reasons such as many Kali usersalready have a bootable Kali USB drive or CD, and this option makesit easy to apply Kali to a forensic job. There are however somechanges to forensic mode over the regular operation of the system,such as forensic mode doesn’t touch the hard drive or swap spaceand auto mounting is disabled. However, it is recommended by thedevelopers that if Kali is going to be used for real worldforensics that these things be tested in that environment.

Special Kali Linux Features of Note:

Full Customisation of Kali ISOs
Full customisation of Kali ISOs with live-build allowing you tocreate your own Kali Linux images – Kali Linux is heavilyintegrated with live-build, allowing endless flexibility incustomising and tailoring every aspect of your Kali Linux ISOimages. Want a non-root user, KDE version of Kali with only the top10 tools installed? We have a Kali Linux live build recipe forthat!

Kali Linux ISO of Doom and Other Kali Recipes
The Kali Linux ISO of doom – a great example of the flexibility oflive-build, and the types and complexity of customisationspossible. Build a self installing, reverse VPN auto-connecting,network bridging Kali image – for the perfect hardwarebackdoor.

Kali Linux Live USB with LUKS EncryptedPersistence
Kali Linux Live USB persistence with LUKS encryption – Kali hasextensive support for USB live installs, allowing for features suchas file persistence or full (USB) disk encryption.

Kali Linux Live USB with Multiple PersistenceStores
Kali Linux Live USB with multiple persistence stores – What’s more,Kali Linux supports multiple persistence USB stores on a single USBdrive. You can create a live Kali USB bootable drive which supportsencryption and multiple store profiles.

Kali Linux Full Disk Encryption
Kali Linux LUKS Full Disk Encryption (FDE) – Having the ability toperform a full disk encryption of your sensitive penetrationtesting computer drive is an essential feature needed in ourindustry. Just the thought of unencrypted client data getting lostor mishandled is horrific.

Kali Linux LUKS Encryption Nuke
Nuking your Kali Linux hard disk with the Kali LUKS nuke option –While being able to encrypt your drives is important, we believeit’s also important to be able to quickly control the destructionof data on these drives. Our Kali LUKS nuke feature is unique toour distribution.

Kali Linux Metapackages
Mastering Kali Linux tool sets with Kali Metapackages – Kalicontains a bunch of metapackage collections which aggregatedifferent toolsets. This makes it easy to get custom, minimizedenvironments set up. For example, if all you need are some wirelesstools for an upcoming assessment, you can apt-get installkali-linux-wireless.

Kali Linux Amazon EC2 AWS Images
Kali Linux in the cloud – Kali Amazon EC2 images available – Needto spin up a Kali box quickly? Perhaps you need some seriousbandwidth or disk space for your upcoming tasks. You can easily setup a cloud version of Kali Linux in the Amazon Elastic ComputeCloud.

Kali Linux Accessibility Features
Kali Linux accessibility features for visually impaired users –Kali is one of the very few Linux distributions which have aworking accessibility system for blind or visually impaired usersthrough both voice feedback and braille hardware support.

Automating Kali Linux Deployment
Automating Kali Linux deployment via Unattended PXE installations –You can automate and customize your Kali Linux installations overthe network. You are one PXE boot away from a fresh, custom Kaliinstallation, or 10,000 of them.

Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi and Other ARMDevices
Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi and a bunch of other interesting ARMdevices – Kali supports over a dozen different ARM devices andcommon hardware such as Raspberry Pi, Odroid, Beaglebone, and more.We’re very active in the ARM arena and constantly add newinteresting hardware to our repertoire.

Kali Linux Forensics Mode
Kali Linux forensics mode – The bootable “Forensics” mode availablein Kali makes it perfect for forensics work, as the forensics Kalilive image option does not mount any drives (including swap) withthis option. The wealth of forensics tools on Kali (metapackage –kali-forensics-tools) makes Kali a good choice for any forensicswork you need.

Kali Linux NetHunter
Kali Linux NetHunter ROM overlay for Nexus Android devices – Kaliis so versatile that creating the “Kali NetHunter” Android was anatural extension to our distribution. NetHunter is a customAndroid ROM overlay for ASOP which brings together all the toolsetof Kali Linux (and more!) to your Nexus or OnePlus phones.

Kali Linux Running on Android
Kali Linux running on Android through Linux Deploy – Have a recentAndroid device other than a Nexus or OnePlus phone? Try using theAndroid App “Linux Deploy” to get Kali seamlessly installed in achroot environment.

Disk Encryption on Raspberry Pi 2:
Disk Encryption on Raspberry Pi 2 and other ARM hardware – There’sno easy way of having LUKS disk encryption on ARM hardware. We’vesimplified the process and gave it bells and whistles.

Installer Size: ~
2700 MB

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