ECap v1.0.1.4 Portable + Activation Crack


Software Description: ECap v1.0.1.4 Portable Crack

Starting from Windows Vista, Microsoft removed the originallybuilt-in camera program from system tools. That is to say, youwould never see Windows XP’s classic, convenient, and practicalcamera icon in My Computer/Windows Explorer again. Instead, you hadto install some third-party applications to call our camera devicethat had been driven (such as all kinds of communication tools thatsupport video chat).

Among all similar 3rd-party camera applications,ECap is tiny (less than 1 MB) and handy, whichlooks much like Microsoft’s AMCAP and Noël Danjou’s AMCap, but mucheasier to use (capture video or take a picture with one-click),without any dispensable functions and settings.

Microsoft’s AMCAP doesn’t support “Take a Picture” function at all,even Noël Danjou’s AMCap is not so easy to get a static cameracaptured picture. Whereas ECap is different, all functions (in factonly two: Start Capture and Take a Picture) is open-and-shut and athand. In addition, according to users’ feedback, if your computeris equipped with a TV card, then you can also directly use ECap towatch TV. I don’t know if this is true, but at least we can give ita try.

Installer Size: 0.189 MB

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