TIFF (Tagged Image File Format or Tag Image File Format) is mostpopular file format used today by publishing and page layoutapplication like scanning, faxing, OCR and word processing etc. OurTIFF Split Merge Software is designed tomanipulate this file format by adding multiple tiff documentstogether and by breaking large multipage tiff into severalindividual parts. Any tiff file may have single page or multiplepages like Microsoft Word Document or Adobe Pdf document. Wedevised Axommsoft Tiff split merge application to reorder, reduce,compress, resample and remove extra tiff pages.
This standalone Windows application is very easy in use andspeedy in downloading & installing. Tool is developed to merge,split and remove tiff pages. Program supports loading of *.tif,*.tiff, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.wmf, *.emf, *.tga, *.ico, *.cur,*.png, *.pcx, *.pxm, *.wbmp, *.jp2, *.j2k etc file formats forconversion into multipage TIFF document. Apart from this, if yourtiff documents contains thousands of pages and you wish to splitout them, the available output format options are TIF, JPG, PNG,BMP, GIF etc. User can define the output path to store split filein a separate directory. The main feature of TIFF split mergeinclude, you can delete or erase any unwanted page(s) from TIFFfile like 3, 9, 12-17, 25…etc. In fact, a backup file option isalso available to store all deleted pages at predefinedlocation.
Here are some Key Features of “Axommsoft Tiff SplitMerge”:
1. Add, split and delete tiff pages in a single program.
2. Tool supports bulk tiff images for processing.
3. Output can be saved in jpeg, gif, png, bmp or tiff format.
4. Advanced output file name convention using macros.
5. Easy to use by novice users, available with help manual.
6. Tool supports all popular image formats includes FAX, TIFF, GIF,DCX, TIFF, PNG, BMP, EMF, WMF, TGA etc.
7. You can preview the image file in open file dialog to selectonly required graphics only.
8. Program supports all color depth images including 1-bit (Back& White), 4-bit (16 colors), 8-bit (256 colors) and 24-bit truecolor.
9. Loads TIFF (compressed with Packbits, ZIP, FAX (CCITT3), CCITT,G.3, G.4 and LZW) with CMYK, RGB, B/W color spaces to file.
10. Supports paletted 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 colorsgraphics.
11. Inbuilt Image preview option for each selected bitmaps.
12. Ascending and descending sorting option is available formerging multiple images by name, by file size, or by page numberetc.
13. User can select more than one item with holding CTRL key.Option to move up and down multiple selected items.
14. Keyboard keys support to select all using CTRL+A, press DELETEbutton to remove one or more wrong selection.
Setup+Crack Size: 2.95 MB
Download Links > Axommsoft Tiff Split Merge v1.3 Build 1.0 + Crack