Software Description: MPEG Video Wizard DVD v5.0.1.112 Crack Patch
If video editing is something you’ve always wanted to try, thenyou should get a proper tool. MPEG Video WizardDVD is an advanced program designed to help you createcomplex videos.The software sports a nice interface, with anintuitive layout. Both the input and output videos can be viewed ina side-by-side window. The UI also includes the editing area thatincorporates fields where you can add videos, photos, music filesand voice recordings.
The software allows you to add as many videos, images or tracksas you want. You can insert any of the transition effectsavailable, such as dissolve, fade, center split, lens, gauze orblend. Also, for audio files, you can add cross fade and mixeffects.Other filters can be applied over the videos and images.Thus, you can adjust the contrast and brightness, change the colorbalance and the dynamic brightness, fade, flip, invert, solarize orsharpen your files.The volume of the videos can be mutedcompletely. In this case, if you’ve added a music file, you shouldbe able to listen to that one instead.Further settings can be madewhen saving the file. You can define an output location and a fileformat and choose to convert only a certain part of the file,instead of the entire video. The MPEG encoder, resolution, framerate and bit rate can also be selected. Audio settings can also bemade.MPEG Video Wizard DVD supports batch conversion, which meansyou can process multiple projects simultaneously and apply the samesettings to all of them. You can also create professional lookingDVDs that can hold both NTSC and PAL movies without videore-encoding.All in all, MPEG Video Wizard DVD is a complex programthat can complete numerous tasks. In spite of the intuitiveinterface, the software wasn’t created for inexperienced users, asit can prove quite difficult to handle.
Here are some key features of “MPEG Video WizardDVD”:
Smart rendering:
– Smart Rendering makes the editing process faster and easier byonly re-encoding the edited points. Unlike other video editingsoftware that tends to re-encode the entire video at the slightesttouch, MVW-DVD only re-encodes when needed, which leads to fastexport speed and maximum quality preservation.
No re-encoding:
– When editing DVD-compliant MPEG files, your edited video will bewritten back to disk as fast as any disk-to-disk copyoperation.
Fast HD MPEG editing with frame accuracy:
– Fast scrubbing and frame accurate HD MPEG editing allows you tomove quickly from one point in the video to another. You can alsostep through the video frame by frame to perform precise edits.
Automatic Ad detection and removal:
– The blank search and scene change detection take the pain out offinding the best places to cut advertisements from your favorite TVshows.
Convert your movies for your iPod and PSP:
– You can convert your DVD library or TV shows into MP4 format foryour portable video player, including iPod and PSP.
Powerful tools:
– MVW-DVD provides a set of powerful tools for multiplexing andde-multiplexing, MPEG format conversion, repairing data error torestore A/V synchronization, and other features.
Very intuitive User Interface (UI):
– It gives you the ultimate balance between an easy-to-useintuitive approach and powerful functionality.
Create a slideshow to share with others:
– With few clicks, transform your precious photos into a videocomplete with music, title, and transition effects, which you canplay on the TV, load into your video player, post online or uploadonto YouTube.
Batch job processing:
– Since an export job usually involves a time consuming MPEGencoding process, Batch exports allow you to set these jobs as atask or group of tasks and schedule them at a time convenient foryou.
Minimal video re-encoding:
– With our smart rendering technology, you can quickly convert MPEGvideo files into a DVD movie with minimal video re-encoding,affording fast export speed and maximum quality preservation.
Multiple video titling:
– Our multiple video title support allows you to create DVD discsthat can hold both NTSC and PAL movies without videore-encoding.
Full AC-3 audio encoder support:
– This feature is capable of compressing any audio track into a twotrack stereo or 5.1 Surround audio stream, providing awesomesurround sound in the comfort of your home.
Flexible format support:
– Export DVDs with nonstandard image format by storing HD movies instandard DVD discs without image resizing.
Extensible menu templates:
– Want to make something truly unique? Then choose to create acustom menu where you can alter practically everything about yourmenu. Change the background to a personal photo, add an openingvideo before the menu display, relink the menu button, alter pagetitles, and more. When you’re all done, save your menu as atemplate for future use.
Multi-layer menu design with flexibility:
– Create as many sub-menus as you want. Easily add, delete, andhighlight menu buttons. Relink any menu button to any menu page,video title, or chapter.
Menu with creative playback controls:
– With the End Action control, you can create any playback sequenceimaginable. Specify the end action for a title or chapter when itsplayback ends, such as returning to a chapter or menu page; orrepeatedly playing a special segment.
Share your DVD menu design:
– Extract the menu from any DVD project and add it to MyTemplatelist. This comes in handy if you want to share your menu designwith others.
Add music, image, and video to your menu:
– Add background music, favorite photos, and action videos to makeyour menus come alive.
True drag and drop functionality:
– Adjust the playing order of titles or chapters in the DVD simplyby dragging and dropping. Otherwise, drag video files directly fromyour web browser into the DVD editor.
Real-time video preview before DVD export:
– With this function, you can see what it would be like to navigatethrough your menus without outputting to the hard drive or DVD.Don’t like what you see? Go back and make changes, then test itagain.
DVD burning:
– Want to create your own high definition home videos to archive orshare with friends and family? The built-in burner allows you toeasily burn your exported DVD folder onto a DVD disc – no extrasoftware required.
Installer Size: 14.46 MB
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