Camera Ballistics v2.0.0.9325 x64 Keygen Crack


Software Description:

Camera Ballistics is a unique software productthat uses advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology todetermine if a photo was truly taken by a suspected camera or not.Photos contain more information than what you can see in the image.Camera Ballistics’ unique scientific algorithm goes deeper thanjust EXIF. It will identify if a photo was taken by a suspectedcamera device or not, giving you maximum data from photos andmaking Camera Ballistics an essential tool for every forensicinvestigator.

The principle
Camera Ballistics is not based on metadata such as EXIF, but ituses mathematics to analyze the physics of the sensor. Due to smalldifferences in size and material composition, each pixel
behaves differently, involving effects such as Photo ResponseNonuniformity making each sensor unique. We can simplify theprinciple to say that it identifies anomalies of every pixel anduses this information to create a description of the camera sensor- the sensor fingerprint. This is true even between devices of thesame make and model. It’s these differences that allow you togenerate a sensor fingerprint and link an image to the specificcamera that created it. Camera Ballistics will compare the photosunder investigation to the sensor fingerprint to determine if thereis a match.

Two steps to digital forensic expertise
The power of Camera Ballistics is further amplified by its sleekand intuitive interface that guides you through processing in justa few clicks. Camera Ballistics takes its complex analysis methodand turns it into a two-phase process. Simply create a fewreference photos with the suspect camera for the program to learnabout the device’s sensor and a sensor fingerprint will begenerated. Camera Ballistics will use this fingerprint to analyzethe photos you are investigating and match it to the ones taken bythe suspected camera.

In this first step, you will supply reference photos from a camerain order to create its sensor fingerprint. The more photos yousupply, the more precise your results will be. It is recommended totake at least 30 photos of white walls or clouds – images withoutsharp shapes and edges. Camera Ballistics will apply advancedalgorithms to this folder in order to establish the sensorfingerprint.

This step will match the fingerprint file created by the learnprocess to the photos under investigation. When you run theanalysis, you can see the processing progress followed by the
mathematical data and results as after analysis. Finally, acomprehensive and well-organized PDF report suitable for submissionas evidence is generated. The report contains clickable thumbnailsof all processed images, the camera device make and model, GPSdata, camera settings, mean square error, fingerprint presenceresult, match probability and correlation.

Generate tamper proof evidence
All possible information such as device make, model, GPS, camerasettings, mean square error, fingerprint presence result,probability, and correlation will be organized into a well-designedand comprehensive PDF report, suitable for submission asevidence.

Interpreting results
Results should be interpreted like other typical ballistics tests:if traces of the device fingerprints are found, then there is anextremely high probability that a photo comes from the camera. Ifnot found, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the particular camerahas not been used to capture the image. This may happen when photosare resized too much or edited so the fingerprint information isdamaged or lost.

Case applications
Proof that an image matched to a camera can be just as lethal to acase defense as a bullet
matched to a gun.

The law
How is a Camera Ballistics evidence accepted in courts? Well thetechnology is quite new, just as firearms ballistics or fingerprintauthentication were in the past. Its acceptance depends on thecountry. The accuracy of this method is 99.9% or better, which isin line with the classical fingerprint test. Plus, there are twomore advantages independent of the law. First, with this tool youget important information, which can further help to direct theinvestigation on the right path. Second, you can easily get asuspect’s conviction under the pressure of Camera Ballisticsevidence.

Combination with phone forensics
When you use Camera Ballistics in combination with our premiermobile device forensic tool MOBILedit Forensic Express, you get notonly all photos extracted from a phone, but each photo comes withinformation if it was taken by the analyzed phone or not. This willclearly
distinguish downloaded, shared or received photos from those thatwere actually taken by phone owner…

Here are some key features of “CameraBallistics”:
– Introducing the new generation of Camera Ballisticsalgorithms
– Accuracy increased up to 99.9%
– Analysis is much faster
– Support of multi-threaded processing
– Filters for various levels of accuracy
– Now works with resized images
– Application is now 64-bit, to work better on massive analyses
– Many improvements to the UI
– Improvements and bugfixes

Installer Size: 72.25 MB

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