Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.50905.0 x86/x64 Crack Patch


Software Description: Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.50905.0 x86/x64 Crack Serial


Microsoft’s FunctionalPlugin


Microsoft Silverlight5.1.50905.0 x86/x64 The Software Is Similar To AdobeFlash, Which Is A Serious Rival For Adobe. Microsoft SilverlightLets Your Browser Run Animations, Audio, Video, Graphics. ThisSoftware Works Like A Plugin Installed On Your Operating System OrBrowser.

With silverlight برنامه هایی که With زبانبرنامه نویسی ASP.NET نوشته شده است را می توان توسعه داد . لازم بهذکر است این تکنولوژی که می توان به عنوان رقیب شرکت ادوب خواند درسیستم عامل های مکینتاش نیز قابل پشتیبانی هست . هم اکنون می توانیدنرم افزار Microsoft Silverlight را از سایت در یافت نمایید.




Microsoft Silverlight is a programmable web browserplugin that enables features such as animation, vectorgraphics and audio-video playback so you can experiencerich Internet applications.

Silverlight offers a flexible programming model thatsupports AJAX, VB, C#, Python, and Ruby, and integrates withexisting Web applications.

It supports fast, cost-effective delivery ofhigh-quality video to all major browsers runningon the Mac OS or Windows.

Installer Size: Not Available

Download Links : Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.50905.0 x86/x64 + Activation Crack

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