Software Description: SeismoArtif v2016 Cracked
SeismoArtif is an application capable ofgenerating artificial earthquake accelerograms matched to aspecific target response spectrum using different calculationmethods and varied assumptions. It is noted that the use of realaccelerograms and spectrum matching techniques (see SeismoMatch),together with records selection tools, tends to be recommended forthe derivation of suites of records for use in nonlinear dynamicanalysis of structures. However, in those cases where access toreal accelerograms is, for whatever reason, challenging orinappropriate, then a tool such as SeismoArtif will be ofpertinence and usefulness.
This software can be used to generate suites of accelerogramsfor nonlinear dynamic analysis of new or existing structures. Theprogram is capable of reading accelerograms and spectra saved indifferent text file formats. This collection of ground motionrecords and spectra is then used in the simulation phase for thedefinition of target spectrum or envelope shapes.
Currently, the target spectrum can be created by following Eurocode8 rules, by computing the spectrum of a specific accelerogram or bysimply loading a user-defined spectrum. With both the targetspectrum and the envelope type defined, an artificial accelerogramis generated and a comparison between its response spectrum and thetarget spectrum is given including the mean error in percentage,coefficient of variation, and PGA of the accelerogram.
Finally, due to its full integration with the Windows environment,SeismoArtif allows for numerical and graphical results to be copiedto any Windows application (e.g. MS Excel, MS Word, etc.), notingthat the characteristics of the plots can be fully customised fromwithin the program itself.
Installer Size: 9.8 MB
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