ComponentOne Studio 2017.1.1.16 Keygen Serial


Software Description:

Deliver elegant .NET applications with ComponentOneStudio’s powerful, lightweight Microsoft Visual Studiocontrols. Your clients will appreciate the quality and performanceof your desktop, web, and mobile apps, and you’ll enjoy theflexibility of the modular references and API. With ComponentOneStudio, you’ll love what you develop — and you’ll love developingit. C1Studio supports WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NETMVC, WinRT, ActiveX, LightSwitch, and Silverlight.ComponentOneStudio includes hundreds of controls for eight developmentplatforms so you can deliver rich, responsive desktop and Webapplications on time and under budget. With controls ranging fromUI to complex data visualization and platforms including WinForms,ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WPF, and WinRT, you will have everything youneed to build the most modern touch-enabled apps as well asmaintain and update legacy applications.

ComponentOne Studio Ultimate Includes:
Ultimate, our best-value package, includes everything you get inComponentOne Studio plus HTML5 / Javascript and native mobilecontrols.
– ComponentOne Studio
– Wijmo
– Xuni
– 2,200+ images and icons

Here are some key features of “ComponentOneStudio”:
– Deliver elegant .NET applications with ComponentOne Studio’spowerful, lightweight Microsoft Visual Studio controls
– ComponentOne Studio includes hundreds of controls for eightdevelopment platforms
– C1Studio supports WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC,WinRT, ActiveX, LightSwitch, and Silverlight.
– you can deliver rich, responsive desktop and Web applications ontime and under budget
– build the most modern touch-enabled apps as well as maintain andupdate legacy applications.

Installer Size: 662 MB

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