FLOW-3D CAST Advanced v4.2.1.2 x64 Cracked


Software Description:

FLOW-3D Cast is designed specifically formodeling a wide range of casting processes and includes therelevant components required to provide a full design solution. Itcombines an intuitive user interface that uses a progressiveapproach to guide users to completion with the powerful FLOW-3Dsolver to deliver accurate predictions of filling andsolidification-related defects. FLOW-3D Cast is available in threepackage levels so that companies with varying needs can select theproduct most suited to their process and their budget.

FLOW-3D Cast consists of a full flow and thermal solution forboth the cast alloy and the die or mold. Simulations of filling andsolidification using FLOW-3D Cast provides important insight into acasting process. This understanding helps identify problems with adesign to increase yield and reduce the time required to performphysical design iterations. All this leads to production of qualityparts in less time, resulting in greater customer satisfaction andprofits. As a versatile simulation tool, FLOW-3D Cast can alsoenable companies to save time when deploying new casting processesor alloys.

– Continuous casting with binary segregation
– Capture core gas release and associated defects
– Sand core blowing
– Model moisture drying in molds and cores
– Enhanced viscous effects including non-Newtonian viscosity, shearthinning/thickening and thixotropic flows
– Heating due to viscous shear
– Thermal and mechanically induced stresses and distortions

Installer Size: 525 MB

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