Download Autodesk AutoCAD + LT 2016 SP1 x86/x64 Keygen Crack


Software Description:

AutoCAD is a computer-aided drafting (CAD)software application developed by Autodesk that enables drafters,architects, engineers, and other professionals to createtwo-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) models of mesh andsolid surfaces. Prior to computer-aided drafting, manual handdrafting tools such as drafting boards and pencils, inking pens,parallel rules, compasses, and triangles only offered a subset ofwhat can now be done with programs such as AutoCAD. Since itsoriginal release in 1982, AutoCAD quickly became the most widelyused CAD program in the world because of its robust set ofautomated drafting tools and features. AutoCAD allows you tovisually design and explore your conceptual design ideas, modifyyour designs using 3D free-form design tools, generate intelligentmodel documentation, transform your designs into 3D renderings, andturn them into cinematic-quality animated presentations. Autodeskhas also developed a few other variants of AutoCAD that addressdiscipline-specific needs. These programs include AutoCADArchitecture, Civil 3D, Electrical, Map 3D, Mechanical, Plant 3D,MEP, P&ID, and AutoCAD LT.

What are the benefits of using AutoCAD?
Individuals who work in or are currently pursuing careers in thearchitecture, mechanical or engineering fields will discover manybenefits of using AutoCAD. The design aggregation and documentationtools built into AutoCAD not only maximize productivity but alsohelp to streamline your design and documentation workflows,speeding projects from design to completion while automating thetedious drafting tasks that would normally be done by hand. WithAutoCAD, surfaces, solids, and offset curves can be dynamicallycreated and manipulated using context-sensitive PressPulloperations. 3D models can be imported directly into AutoCAD from avariety of applications, including SolidWorks, CATIA, Pro/ENGINEER,Rhinoceros, and NX products and services allowing you to easilycreate intelligent 2D views. With Point Cloud tools, scannedobjects can be imported with up to 2 billion data points, allowingexisting environmental data to be used to help you start yourprojects. Physical 3D prototypes of your designs can be quicklycreated using AutoCAD’s 3D printing capabilities. With AutodeskInventor file import support, AutoCAD allows you to import modelsfrom Inventor while maintaining a relationship between the AutoCADand Inventor files. AutoCAD offers many other tools and featuresthat can enhance productivity such as PDF Support, DWG Convert,Materials Library, Social Media Sharing, AutoCAD WS, Autodesk 360Connectivity, and much more.

How is AutoCAD used?
AutoCAD is used by professionals across many industries to doeverything from designing and building show floor exhibits thatdemand attention to the complex design and construction of theNational Stadium Brasilia; a solar powered stadium that seats over71,000 people and will be used to host major soccer events such asthe Confederations Cup, the FIFA World Cup, and the Copa America.AutoCAD has many uses and is even being leveraged by industriesbeyond the architectural and mechanical fields. For example, customstage design companies may use the 3D modeling tools within AutoCADto turn creative ideas into detailed conceptual designs that theyare confident about because they can visualize nearly exactly whatthey need to build. In the case of custom window design companies,AutoCAD software may be used to create an online library ofcustomizable window designs to help customers configure orders andrequest quotes more quickly and easily. In the case of set andlighting design companies, AutoCAD may be used in conjunction with3ds Max to design sets and lighting in 3D and developnear-photorealistic visualizations of events to review with theirclients. Ultimately, AutoCAD enables companies to design and planprojects virtually. This, in turn, increases productivity, reducesthe time it takes for decision makers to make more informedchoices, and significantly lowers the cost it takes to confidentlycomplete major projects.

Installer Size: 1628 + 2068 + 1300 + 1434 MB

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