Software Description: Adobe Flash Professional CS6 v12.0.0.481 Full Crack
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 software is apowerful authoring environment for creating animation andmultimedia content. Design immersive interactive experiences thatpresent consistently across desktops and multiple devices,including tablets, smartphones, and televisions.
Find out more about sprite-sheet generation, simulation ofmobile Adobe AIR® applications, and other features introduced inthis latest version of the leading animation software for producingrich multimedia content.
Learn more about new support for HTML5
Download this new extension to transition to creating HTML5-basedinteractive content. Continue to use the core animation and drawingcapabilities of Flash Professional CS6 and export JavaScript totarget the CreateJS open source framework.
Expand your reach across devices and platforms
Reach Android™ and iOS devices by targeting the latest Adobe FlashPlayer and AIR runtimes. Deliver apps with a prepackaged AIRcaptive runtime for better user experience, and accessdevice-specific capabilities with prebuilt native extensions.
Installer Size: 1350 MB
Download Links : Adobe Flash Professional CS6 v12.0.0.481 Keygen Crack