GLCD Font Creator is the ultimate font creationutility for embedded systems. GLCD Font Creator will allow you tocreate fonts for Liquid Crystal Displays(LCD) and Graphic LCD. Itprovides a very nice and intuitive user interface.
GLCD Font Creator lets you create fonts and symbols from scratch,or by importing existing fonts on your system. It lets you modifyand adjust them for your needs, apply effects to them, and finallyexport them as source code for use in your favorite languagecompiler.
Here are some key features of “GLCD FontCreator”:
– Create Fonts, Symbols and Icons for Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)and Graphic LCD from scratch.
– Import Windows Fonts and instantly get ready fonts for yourGLCD.
– Modify chars for your convenience.
– Apply effects like video inversion, outlining, shifting,… toeach char or automatically to the whole font.
– Very nice and intuitive user interface.
– Export fonts as source code for your favorite Basic, Pascal or Ccompiler.
– Full integration to Swordfish basic compiler IDE (as plugin) fromMecanique.
– Full integration to Proton basic compiler IDE (as plugin) fromCrownhill Associates.
– Full support for MikroElektronika mikroBasic, mikroPascal,mikroC.
– Full X-GLCD Library (pascal, basic and C version) that enableslarge font support on Mikroelektronika compilers.
– Full X-SPI-GLCD Library (pascal, basic and C version) thatenables large font support on Mikroelektronika compilers (targetsSPI GLCD using Microchip SPI port Expander).
Installer Size: 1.29 MB
Download Links : GLCD Font Creator v1.0.1 + Crack