Software Description: StatWizards Suite v2017 Crack
The last few decades have seen a revolution in market researchtechniques. Often these techniques involve advanced mathematics andare inherently difficult to apply. StatWizards iscommitted to making these tools accessible via Excel add-ins at nosacrifice in functionality. For experienced users, StatWizardsprovides a huge boost in productivity.
One of these techniques is discrete-choice modeling. The ideaunderlying this technique is that by observing the choices peoplemake between products or services, one can model how individualstrade off product or service features with pricing. Results frommodels like this can be placed in an Excel-based simulator in whichmarketers can project how different products might fare in acompetitive marketplace.
Another technique consists of Fader-Hardie models. These modelsaddress a wide range of business issues, from calculating customerlifetime value for a product’s entire customer base to projectingrepeat bookings for luxury cruise lines. A distinct feature ofFader-Hardie models is that they simultaneously produce granularproduct forecasts at individual and market levels.
– Design Wizard
The Design Wizard helps you develop an experimental design for adiscrete-choice questionnaire. Starting with a simple Excel list ofproduct attributes and levels , the Wizard steps you through aprocess that generates efficient choice sets, camera-ready storevisits and a variety of output formats. The Design Wizard makes theprocess of generating a design simpler, faster and better than anyof its competitors. Making use of Excel’s power, the Wizard canalso generate designs that are far more complex.
– Data Wizard
A discrete-choice project consists of a predictable number ofsteps. Typically a project starts with assembling a list of productattributes and levels used to generate an experimental design,adding store visits to a questionnaire, then going to field. Datafrom the field need to be reorganized to serve as input to adiscrete-choice statistical package. The Data Wizard facilitatesthis process, reducing what is normally a tedious, complex exercisetaking hours to a short burst of calculation in Excel.
– Simulator Wizard
The Simulator Wizard builds an Excel-based market simulator from adiscrete-choice model. Starting with the output from a statisticalestimation program, the Wizard steps you through a process thatproduces a full-featured market simulator that is instantlydeliverable to users and chock full of features. The Wizard makesbuilding a simulator astonishingly simpler, faster and better.
– Forecast Wizard
The Forecast Wizard applies Fader-Hardie models to a number ofcommon business problems, such as understanding the composition ofsales volume, calculating customer lifetime value based on recency,frequency and monetary value of purchases, projecting customerretention and attrition, forecasting sales based on trial results,predicting online behavior and improving marketing campaigns.
– Latent Gold Format Wizard
The Latent GOLD Format Wizard helps you import the results from aLatent GOLD estimation into Excel, adding useful charts andformatting. The Format Wizard makes preparing Latent GOLDestimations for analysis and presentation simpler, faster andbetter.
Installer Size: 700 + 650 + 500 MB
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