Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 SP1 Crack Patch


Software Description:

Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 simplifiesidentity management with automated workflow, self-service, businessrules and integration with heterogeneous platforms.

On-premises identity and access management
– Synchronize identities between directories, databases andapplications
– Self-service password, group and certificate management
– Increase admin security with policies, privileged access androles
– Thwart identity theft with Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM)

Common identity
Simplify identity lifecycle management with automated workflows,business rules and easy integration with heterogeneous platformsacross the datacenter and cloud. Automate identity and groupprovisioning based on business policy and implement workflow-drivenprovisioning through a single interface. Extend MIM to support newscenarios through the Visual Studio and .NET developmentenvironments.

Protect data
Discover and map permissions across multiple systems to individual,assignable roles. Use role mining tools to discover permission setsfor users across the enterprise to be later modeled and appliedcentrally. Increase visibility into compliance and the securitystate of systems across the organization with in-depth auditing andreporting.

Enable users
Allow users to self-remediate identity issues, including groupmembership, smart card and password reset functions. An easy-to-useinterface delivers increased productivity and satisfaction.

Unify access
Reduce the number of usernames and passwords needed to login.Ensure admin accounts are only going where they need to go anddoing what they need to do. Groups can automatically update theirmembership to ensure only the right people have access to yourresources.

Installer Size: 79 MB

Download Links : Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 SP1 + Crack

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