Software Description:
Adobe Shockwave Player is the web standardfor powerful multimedia playback. The Shockwave Player allows youto view interactive web content like games, business presentations,entertainment, and advertisements from your web browser. Over 450million internet enabled users have installed the Adobe ShockwavePlayer. These people now have access to some of the best contentthe web has to offer including dazzling 3D games and entertainment,interactive product demonstrations, and online learningapplications. The Shockwave Player displays web content that hasbeen created by Adobe Director.
Although Flash Player is a more frequent occurrence on the dayby day web-surfing experience, required for a wide range of webapplications, interactive online advertising or websites, ShockwavePlayer is the designated tool for the deployment of demanding 3Dweb applications, online games or complex real-world physicssimulations.
Adobe Shockwave Player offers users the possibility to enjoy thehigh-quality 3D graphics of interactive presentations orapplications involving a significant amount of charting orcalculating, but it is mostly used for its online gaming deploymentcapabilities.
The software offers playback support for applications developedusing Adobe Director, a superior tool mainly used for itshardware-accelerated 3D, and support for various networkprotocols.
If you want to make sure you can open all the latest Adobe Directorapplications you have to keep your Shockwave Player up to date.This is quite simple, since any application that requires AdobeShockwave Player to run, redirects you to the latest version of theplugin.
The installation takes only a few seconds and in no time at all youcan enjoy the desired online multimedia content. There is no userinterface for the application or settings you have to worry about.It fully integrates in your Internet browser and can always bedisabled in the Plugins section.
Installer Size: 12.5 MB
Download Links : Adobe Shockwave Player v12.2.9.199 x86/x64 + Crack