Microsoft Office 2000 Premium, which includesMicrosoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint, gives end userseverything they need to get standard office tasks done.
Office 2000 lets you use your intranet to its fullest productivitypotential–every application lets you automatically save yourdocument as an HTML file for quick and easy file sharing. Some ofthe most useful items in Office 2000 are the Web Discussionsfeature, which lets you insert online discussions into any Officedocument; the automatic notification feature, which lets you knowwhen changes are made to any document; and the ability to e-mailany Office document directly from within its application.
You can also hold online meetings with Microsoft NetMeeting, nowintegrated with Out look, or take advantage of Office 2000’s greatnew editing features such as multiple-item copy and paste, WYSIWYGfont menus, and Web document previewing.
Microsoft Office has established a position as the most efficientsuite of applications for document creation, communication, andbusiness information analysis. For many functions, the businessplatform has evolved from paper to the Web.
Microsoft Office 2000 extends desktop productivity to the Web,streamlining the way you work and making it easier to share,access, and analyze information so you get better results.
Office 2000 offers a multitude of new features. Of particularimportance for this release are the features that affect the entiresuite. These Office-wide, or shared features, hold the key to thenew realm of functionality enabled by Office 2000.
Office 2000 offers a new Web-productivity work style thatintegrates core productivity tools with the Web to streamline theprocess of sharing information and working with others. It alsomakes it easier to use an organization’s intranet to access vitalbusiness information and provides innovative analysis tools thathelp users make better, more timely business decisions. Office 2000delivers new levels of resiliency and intelligence, enabling usersand organizations to get up and running quickly, stay working, andachieve great results with fewer resources.
Office 2000 was the first version of Office to use WindowsInstaller technology.
Installer Size: 360 MB
Download Links : Microsoft Office 2000 Premium + Crack