Task Coach represents a handy program that youcan use to keep track of your goals and daily tasks.
The interface of the application is quite simple and intuitive. Toget started, you can create a new task.
So, you can give it a subject, description and priority, mark dates(planned start, due, actual start and completion dates, reminder,recurrence) and set the completed percentage.
In addition, you can create subitems or tasks from template,edit or delete existing tasks, mark items as active, inactive orcompleted, start tracking effort and use a search function.
Furthermore, you can specify budget details (e.g. time spent,budget left, hourly or fixed fee, revenue), create a new efforttask, take notes, add attachments, as well as change the foregroundand background colors, font and icon.
Moreover, you can create new categories and subcategories, mergefiles with different tasks, import and edit templates, import CSVand TXT files, export HTML, CSV, iCalendar and TXT files, use theundo and redo functions, view statistics, a square map, timeline,calendar and others, sort tasks, send items via email, andmore.
Task Coach runs on a moderate amount of system resources, containsa comprehensive help file along with daily tips, and didn’t causeus any issues during our tests. On the other hand, the programcould had been a little bit simplified because sometimes it’sslightly difficult to keep track of its features. Even so, westrongly recommend Task Coach to all users.
Here are some key features of “Task Coach”:
– Creating, editing, and deleting tasks and subtasks.
– Tasks have a subject, description, priority, start date, duedate, a completion date and an optional reminder. Tasks can recuron a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
– Tasks can be viewed as a list or as a tree.
– Tasks can be sorted by all task attributes, e.g. subject, budget,budget left, due date, etc.
– Several filters to e.g. hide completed tasks or view only tasksthat are due today.
– Tasks can be created by dragging an e-mail message from Outlookor Thunderbird onto a task viewer.
– Attachments can be added to tasks, notes, and categories bydragging and dropping files, e-mail messages from Outlook orThunderbird, or URL’s onto a task, note or category.
– Task status depends on its subtask and vice versa. E.g. if youmark the last uncompleted subtask as completed, the parent task isautomatically marked as completed too.
– Tasks and notes can be assigned to user-defined categories.
– Settings are persistent and saved automatically. The last openedfile is loaded automatically when starting Task Coach.
– Tracking time spent on tasks. Tasks can have a budget. Time spentcan be viewed by individual effort period, by day, by week, and bymonth.
– The Task Coach file format (.tsk) is XML.
– Tasks, notes, effort, and categories can be exported to HTML andCSV (Comma separated format). Effort can be exported toiCalendar/ICS format as well.
– Tasks, effort, notes, and categories can be printed. Whenprinting, Task Coach prints the information that is visible in thecurrent view, including any filters and sort order.
– Task Coach can be run from a removable medium.
– Tasks and notes can be synchronized via a Funambol server such asScheduleWorld.
Setup+Crack Size: 12.1 MB
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