Abelssoft Send2Phone v2.0.15 + Activation Crack


Software Description: Abelssoft Send2Phone v2.0.15 Crack Serial

Abelssoft Send2Phone 2017 is a popularapplication, it you can easily send from your computer to yoursmartphone or vice versa your photos, music, text, links, etc. withSend2Phone everything is secured. The tool encrypts using thehighest security level AES-256.

Here are some key features of “AbelssoftSend2Phone”:
– Easily send yourself links, images or any files from your PC toyour Android phone – or the other way around.
– Securely encrypted using AES-256 standard
– sent by drag & drop, right click in the context menu or fileselection
– supports almost every popular format: Links, text, PDF, mp3 orvideo formats like WMV, AVI, MOV or MPEG.
– Not only can files be sent from a PC to an Android phone or theother way around, you can also connect as many devices as desiredwith each other.
– allows for exchanging any number of files between PC and Androidphone
– not only allows for sending one file after the other but alsomultiple files at once.

Installer Size: 5.30 MB

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