RStudio Desktop Open Source License v1.0.136 Crack Patch


Software Description:

RStudio is an integrated developmentenvironment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlightingeditor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools forplotting, history, debugging and workspace management.

RStudio IDE features
– An IDE that was built just for R
 – Syntax highlighting, code completion, and smartindentation
 – Execute R code directly from the source editor
 – Quickly jump to function definitions

– Bring your workflow together
 – Integrated R help and documentation
 – Easily manage multiple working directories usingprojects
 – Workspace browser and data viewer

– Powerful authoring & Debugging
 – Interactive debugger to diagnose and fix errors quickly
 – Extensive package development tools
 – Authoring with Sweave and R Markdown

In Other Words:
– RStudio runs on most desktops or on a server and accessed overthe web
– RStudio integrates the tools you use with R into a singleenvironment
– RStudio includes powerful coding tools designed to enhance yourproductivity
– RStudio enables rapid navigation to files and functions
– RStudio make it easy to start new or find existing projects
– RStudio has integrated support for Git and Subversion
– RStudio supports authoring HTML, PDF, Word Documents, and slideshows
– RStudio supports interactive graphics with Shiny and ggvis

Installer Size: 86.1 MB

Download Links : RStudio Desktop Open Source License v1.0.136 + Crack

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