>Download Eye4Software GPS Mapping Studio v4.1.12.012 Cracked

The Eye4Software GPS Mapping Studio can be usedfor realtime navigation or positioning, route planning and tomanage or convert your maps, waypoints, tracks and GPS routes. Thesoftware supports different types of map formats like including:GeoTIFF, Arc/Info files, AutoCad DXF/DGN files, ESRI Shapefiles,BSB nautical charts and image files like GIF, BMP, JPG, TIF and PNGfiles, which can be calibrated using different map projections.

Waypoint, track and route information can be uploaded anddownloaded to or from a GPS receiver supporting NMEA0183 or GarminPVT (USB), or can be exported or imported to different file formatslike Garmin PCX, GPS Exchange and OziExplorer files.
Applications of this software includes: Survey, Map FormatConversion, Map Coordinate Conversion, Editing Maps, Research,Track and Trace, etc.

Here are some key features of “Eye4Software GPS MappingStudio”:
– Add comments, symbols, tracks, waypoints or routes to yourmaps;
– Transfer GPS data like tracks, waypoints and routes, from or toyour Garmin GPS device;
– View GIS features of vector data;
– View maps containing elevation or depth data;
– Edit waypoints, tracks and routes;
– Show your current position on a map;
– Convert GPS data between different file formats;
– Convert vector maps to AutoCAD DXF, Keyhole Markup Language, ESRIShape, GeoRSS, GeoJSON, ARC Generate or Atlas BNA format;
– Convert vector maps from one map projection to another.
– Perform realtime positioning on vessels, cars, trucks andconstruction vehicles;
– Record your current position and movements, for instance to gethold of the covered area or track;
– Load previously recorded track-and-trace data for furtheranalysis;
– And many more…

Setup+Crack Size: 15.2 MB

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