Download> MAXQDA v10 R150410 Crack Patch

MAXQDA is a professional software forqualitative and mixed methods data analysis. The software isavailable as a universal app for Windows and Mac OS X and can helpyou analyze all kinds of unstructured data like interviews,articles, media, surveys, twitter, and more.

Organize and Categorize your Data
Use MAXQDA to manage your whole research projects. Import data frominterviews, focus groups, online surveys, web pages, images, audioand video files, spreadsheets, bibliographical data and eventwitter tweets easily.

Organize your material in groups, link relevant quotes to eachother, and share and compare work with other members of your team.Your project is always flexible and your code system can beexpanded or refined, just like your research.

Code and Retrieve
Mark important information in your data with different codes byusing regular codes, colors, symbols, or emoticons. Code quicklyvia drag & drop or with automatic coding for search words andorganize your thoughts and theories in memos, that can be stuck toany element of your project.
Retrieve coded segments quickly and efficiently with just oneclick, or make use of powerful search tools to test and develop newtheories.

Analyse and transcribe media
It’s your choice. Use MAXQDA to code audio and video files directlywithout creating a transcript first. Or transcribe your media toanalyse the written text instead – while always staying connectedto the original media clips. MAXQDA has extended transcriptionfunctions with which you can adapt the speed or the sound volume ofyour audio and video files and use foot pedals to speed up thetranscription.
Media clips are treated like any other segments in MAXQDA. You cancode, retrieve, comment and assign a weight to these segments inthe same way as with other segments.

The Mixed Methods Expert – Integratedemographics
Integrate quantitative methods or data deeply into your project.Link qualitative data to demographic variables, quantify theresults of your qualitative analysis or calculate statisticalfrequencies.
The advanced version MAXQDAplus additionaly includes the add-onmodule MAXDictio, which adds quantitative text analysisfunctionality to MAXQDA, so you can easily analyze vocabulary ortext content.

Visualization and Theory Testing
Automatically or manually generate stunning visualizations of yourdata. Look at your data from a completely new perspective for newinsight or theory testing.
Share your results by exporting them into impressive images to usein your reports and presentations. Or create extensive maps withthe on-board mapping tool MAXMaps.

Export and Reports
MAXQDA does not lock your data in. Export parts of your project,single documents, search results or the whole project into multiplefile formats, like Excel, Word, Images or XML.
Continue your analysis in a statistical software or print out alayouted report including title page and table of contents toeasily share your results with team members or advisors.

Setup+Crack Size: 32.1 MB

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