Software Description:
Now with multiple computer observer, RDP dynamic resolution andRemotix Cloud for anywhere access.
Apple Adaptive Codec
If you have average or slow internet connection, Apple adaptivecodec provides the best remote desktop experience.
Multiple Displays
Have two, three or nine displays? Not a problem. Use combined modeto see them all or select each one separately.
OS X Authentication
Log in to OS X with your username and password.
Screen Locking
You can lock remote screen to secure the operations.
File Transfer
Share files, images, texts, URLs between your Mac and remote Macusing drag and drop.
Session Select
If there is someone on remote Mac, you can select whether to askfor sharing the screen or to start your session separately.
Rich Pasteboard
Remotix automatically shares the pasteboard between your and remotemachines. Including pictures and RTF.
Integrated Encryption
Remotix supports Apple Screen Sharing built-in encryption availableon OS X Mavericks and Yosemite.
Dynamic Resolution Change
Remotix automatically changes remote RDP resolution to match windowsize or fullscreen size.
RD Gateway
We’ve added RD Gateway configuration options for RDPconnections.
Remotix Cloud Enabled
RDP is fully supported over Remotix Cloud, providing anywhereaccess capability.
Printer & Filesystem Redirection
Access your files and printers on a remote machine.
Bidirectional Sound
Work or play, listen to music, watch a movie or even operateVoice-over-IP applications, such as Skype or Google Talk.
Automatic Clipboard Synchronization
Copy and paste plain text, rich text and pictures between your PCand remote PC.
Installer Size: 28.24 MB
Download Links : Remotix v4.0.1 + Crack