Reg Organizer is a software which permits youto improve the performance of your computer by cleaning up anddefragmenting the Windows registry keys, uninstalling programs, andothers.
The interface of the program is plain and simple. You can getstarted by performing a scan on your registry entries.
If you are an advanced user, you can specify what you want RegOrganizer to check, between installed programs, software records,startup items, file extensions, shell commands, file typeassociations, shared libraries, application paths, and more.
When it comes to registry optimization, you can set Reg Organizerto turn off the computer after it finishes. During this process,you cannot work with other open applications or cancel thetask.
In addition, you can use “Disk Cleaner” to find unnecessaryfiles by using wildcards (that you can configure), locate andrepair invalid shortcuts (you can change the list of objects toscan), as well as remove items from a specified folder.
Here are some key features of “Reg Organizer”:
– Registry editor for viewing and editing the system registry,manipulating the registry keys and values, exporting, importing,copying them, etc.
– The registry cleaner of Reg Organizer can detect many types ofregistry errors. These include searching the registry for invalidreferences to files, folders and DLLs; invalid uninstallation data;finding obsolete and invalid file extensions and other issues. RegOrganizer can repair many of these registry problems.
– Registry search feature can find all keys related to a certainapplication and delete them, if necessary. This feature can beuseful if you manually delete some application that has nouninstall feature. In this case its keys can be left in theregistry interfering with the normal operation of other programs.Reg Organizer provides the deepest search and can often find eventhose keys, that wouldn’t be identified by other similarprograms.
– Defragmenting and compressing the registry: Increase theperformance of the registry and consequently the overallperformance of your system.
– Registry search and replace mode offers you a variety of optionsfor searching the registry and replacing the records matching thespecified criteria.
– Built-in software uninstaller.
– Disk Cleanup tool lets you automatically remove unnecessary filesfrom the hard drive of your computer, and to search for and fixinvalid shortcuts.
Installer Size: 21 MB
Download Links : Reg Organizer v8.15 + Crack