RapidComposer v3.13 x86/x64 + Full Crack


Software Description:

RapidComposer is a rapid music prototypingsoftware designed for composers, song-writers and musicians of allmusical styles. Whether you are a seasoned professional or simplyready to take your music to the next level, RapidComposer is thecomplete solution you need for faster and more productive musiccomposition.

Here are some key features of”RapidComposer”:
Extensive scale, chord, guitar chord and chord progressiondatabases:
– Editable, extendable, groupable list of scales, chords, chordprogressions. The guitar chord database contains thousands ofchords.

Taggable instrument database of all MIDI, VSTi and SF2 presets inone place:
– All presets are available in the instrument database whereadditional info can be provided about the usage and function ofeach preset, and user-defined tags can be assigned to them. Forexample if you set up an instrument to use acoustic guitar chords,when selected in a track, the track will automatically use guitarchords. There are various display/sort/group/filter options tocustomize the presentation of presets. All the presets are in onelist regardless of their origin.

Phrase database to store reusable phrases:
– Phrases are independent of harmony so any phrase can be used withany chords. If you record, generate or create a new phrase you canplace it here for reusing it at a later time.

Variations to be applied to phrases:
– There are several variations included which can be used to changethe rhythm or notes (or both) of a phrase. Creating interestingmotifs cannot be done without them. The included variations areused by many famous songs. You can apply more than one variationsto a phrase or to a whole track. Soon more variations will beadded, and it will be possible to write a short script to modify aphrase.

Non-destructive editing:
– All processing is done preserving the original phrases or notesthat you recorded. Processing is applied realtime so the originalphrases are never changed. This unique approach will makeexperimenting easier without being afraid of loosing your originalrecording. There is no limit on the number of variations orcontrollers that you can add to a track or phrase. Variations areapplied one after the other so the order is important.

Master track with chords:
– The master track contains the chords and scales for thecomposition. Clicking on a chord will open a chord palette, whereyou can choose from all the chords for the current scale. With afew clicks you can assign a new chord progression to a line, verse,or an arbitrary selection.

Movable, resizable and transposable smartphrases:
– Phrases always conform to the current chord. If you move, resizeor transpose them the notes will adjust themselves. You can createcopies and ghost copies of a phrase if you want. It has never beeneasier to work with phrases to create an original new riff ormotif.

Phrase-level and note-level editing directly inside thetracks:
– You can edit phrases in phrase editing mode or create/modifyphrase notes in note editing mode. There is no need to open thephrase editor anymore to edit individual phrase notes.

2 phrase transposing modes:
– When you transpose a phrase you can keep the relationship betweenthe notes (all notes are transposed) or transpose the bottom notesup – or the top notes down – as you drag the phrase.

4 phrase resizing modes:
– There are 4 ways of resizing a phrase: scale, repeat, sustain andregenerate. ‘Regenerate’ works for phrase generators only and meansthe phrase will be regenerated when resized.

Phrase morphing:
– This powerful feature means that when you place a ‘source’ and’target’ phrase in the composition, the phrases between the twowill be composed automatically by RapidComposer so that there is asmooth transition from the source phrase to the target phrase.There are several options to control this transition. Usually thereare many possible transitions, if you don’t like the one offered bythe program, pressing ‘Regenerate’ will create a differenttransition.

Phrase generators:
– You can generate thousands of musically useful (not random!)phrases with the included phrase generators. The parameters aremeaningful, not some abstract mathematical terms. More generatorsfor specific purposes will be implemented in the next release.

Rhythm generators:
– Besides manually editing rhythm, there are several rhythmgenerators that will help you to create interesting rhythm. Theseare: Schillinger’s Interference, Polyrhythm, Triplet Rhythm,Probabilistic Rhythm, Simple Intervals and a Generic Rhythmgenerator.

Idea Tool:
– The Idea Tool will generate a multitrack composition the way youwant. You just need to set the conditions and rules of the tool andpress the “Generate” button. There are many details that you canspecify on a composition or per track basis. E.g. selecting aninstrument can happen by tag, by track function, by selecting onerandomly from a list, or can be a specific preset. You can set upphrases and variations to use. If you include a phrase generator,it is possible to specify a range for its parameters. Therandomness of the musical idea depends on your settings only.

Sophisticated tools to add phrases, variations, changestructure and more:
– With the included tools you can re-form the structure, fill lineswith phrases, add variations to existing phrases, assign chordprogressions or autotranspose phrases (transposing phrases so thatthe highest note of the first phrase will approach the highest noteof the last phrase selected).

MIDI CC editing:
– MIDI Control Change events can be recorded and edited in a veryflexible way. There are Freehand, Line, Exponential, Curve Tools tomodify the events or create new ones based on the quantize setting.You can select a time range (Shitf+drag) with having smooth edgesthat are gradually affected by the scale operation (release/repressthe Shift key during selection, see screenshot). It is possible toselect and time AND value range (Alt+drag) and work on that.

– Articulations can be assigned to phrases or individual notes.Articulation definitions for several major sample librariesincluded.

Audio tracks:
– Simple but very usable audio track support means you can addeffects or a background track to your composition. WAV or AIFF (PCM16 bit only) files are imported and treated like normalphrases.

2D view of the composition with structureeditor:
– The composition layout is 2D where you see the composition lineby line instead of the usual 1D view of DAWs. This layout is moresuitable for composing. Of course 1D timeline can also be used. Thestructure editor lets you add or repeat lines and verses.

Fully customizable user interface with presetthemes:
– User interface colors, button shapes, borders and shading can bespecified. It is possible to import and export UI themes.

History with unlimited undo and different versions of thesame composition:
– History is where all the steps of creating a composition arestored. It is possible to revert to an earlier state and start anew branch (another version) in the history tree.

Installer Size: ~
44.5 MB

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