Aoao Video to GIF Converter is a lightweightsoftware application specialized in extracting frames from videosand saving them to animated GIF or other image format.
Built-in player and supported file formats
Clips can be added in the working environment using the built-inbrowse button, so you cannot rely on the drag-and-drop support. Itworks with the following file formats: AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, VOB,RM, and others.
The tool offers support for a built-in player that allows you toplay, pause, or stop the current video selection, jump to theprevious or next frame, as well as seek for a position in the videostream.
Additionally, you can view information about each video, such asduration, size, aspect, and total number of detected frames, andtake screenshots with the desired frame which can be saved to JPG,PNG, ICO, PSD, DCX, BMP, PCX, or other file format.
Extracting frames
Aoao Video to GIF Converter gives you the possibility to manuallyselect the video interval that contains the frames that you want toextract using the built-in slider. Additionally, you may insert thestart and end points, pick the output size, and apply variousspecial effects, such as black and white, grayscale, blur, sharpen,noise, and others.
The tool lets you preview the extracted frames, add or subtract oneor ten frames, alter the speed, and make the application exportdata to the same location where the video is stored or specify auser-defined directory. When it comes to conversion options, youcan export the frames to animated or static GIF file, JPG, BMP,TGA, TIF, PCX, or other file format.
Bottom line
To sum things up, Aoao Video to GIF Converter proves to be areliable application that comes bundled with a handy suite offeatures for helping you extract frames and control the outputtime, size, and frame rate.
Setup+Crack Size: 12.0 MB
Download Links > Aoao Video to GIF Converter v4.0 + Crack