Trojan Remover v6.8.4 Build 2607 Cracked

Trojan Remover was written to aid in theremoval of Trojan Horses and Internet Worms when standardanti-virus software has either failed to detect the problem or isunable to effectively eliminate it.

The majority of Virus and Trojan Scanners are well able todetect malicious Trojan Horses and Internet Worms but are notalways very efficient in removing them once they have beentriggered.
Trojan Remover was written specifically to carry out such a removalwithout the user having to manually edit system files, includingthe Registry.
The program also removes the additional system modifications someTrojans carry out which are ignored by other Virus and TrojanScanners.
Trojan Remover examines the system files, including WindowsRegistry and will determine the programs and files that are loadedat boot time. The vast majority of trojans are loaded this way.
Trojan Remover will scan ALL the files loaded at boot time forRemote Access Trojans (‘backdoors’, like NetBus, SubSeven, OptixPro, Back Orifice etc.), Internet Worms and other malware.
For each identified Trojan Horse, Worm, or other malware, TrojanRemover will pop up an alert screen showing the file location andname; it will offer to remove the program’s reference from thesystem files and allow you to rename the file to stop itsactivation.

Setup+Crack Size: 12.15 MB

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