Download> Easy Work Time Calculator v8.0 Build 063 Keygen Crack

Easy Work Time Calculator is a simple and easyto use worktime calculator.
It can calculate/count the time consumption of your jobs byseconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and their sumand average. The numbers of date time elements are refreshedautomatically on the main interface, and you can set the refreshingfrequency. With this program, you can Start, Rename, Delete, Pause,Continue and Stop your jobs, it provides you with a quick filter(according to job status (Started, Paused and Finished), start time(yesterday and today, last week) and an advanced filter (accordingto job name and custom start time) to see your jobs listingconveniently. Also, copying the value of any field, automaticallyremembering the order and width of columns / the size and locationof window, hiding columns, data backing up/restoring features areprovided. Of course, some useful options are built-in: refreshingfrequency, precision of the numbers of years, months, weeks, days,hours, minutes and seconds, font name and size of the jobs listing,foreground colors of different job status.

Here are some key features of “Easy Work TimeCalculator”:
– Calculates/counts the time consumption of your tasks by seconds,minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.
– Provides the sum and average statistics of
– the numeric columns for the listed tasks.
– Provides you with a convenient tasks filter.
– Automatically remember the order and width of the columns.
– Automatically remember the size and location of the mainwindow.
– Can hide some columns that you do not want to see.
– Provides you with many useful options.

File Size: 0.875 MB

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