Software Description:
Embarcadero RAD Studio is the ultimateapplication development suite and the fastest way to builddata-rich, visually engaging applications for Windows, Mac, mobile,.NET, PHP and the Web. RAD Studio includes Delphi®, C++Builder®,Embarcadero Prism™ and RadPHP™, enabling developers to deliverapplications up to 5x faster across multiple desktop, mobile, Web,and database platforms including Delphi applications for 64-bitWindows.
Deliver fast native applications for Windows, Mac, weband mobile:
With RAD Studio XE2, you can write an application once in Delphiand compile it for Windows and Mac and build applications for iOS.C++Builder applications can be compiled for Windows and Mac andwith RadPHP you can easily build applications for the Web. RADStudio XE2 applications are compiled into simple and efficientexecutables that are easy to distribute and deploy.
Speed up your development process with RAD (RapidApplication Development):
Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools allow for fast visualprototyping. You get your customer’s feedback on actual GUIprototypes and in real time before moving on to full production.With RAD Studio XE2 you also get thousands of built-in extendablecomponents, which increase reusability and speed up yourdevelopment process.
Create more visually stunning and interactiveapplications:
RAD Studio XE2’s included application platforms, VCL andFireMonkey, help developers rapidly build business applicationswith higher quality user interfaces and rich data and servicesconnectivity. The VCL framework is designed to build traditionalWin32/Win64 form based GUI applications and largely leverages theWindows operating system and APIs such as GDI to draw UIs.FireMonkey is a rich business application platform that enablesdevelopers to build visually spectacular HD and 3D businessapplications with incredibly fast performance on Windows, Mac andiOS.
Build applications that connect everywhere:
When you use RAD Studio, your applications get high-speedconnectivity to popular databases. Create multi-tier applicationswith Windows servers and support for clients on multiple operatingsystems. You can also connect with a broad variety of data andservices.
High performance access to all your datasources
RAD Studio’s dbExpress™ data access in Delphi and C++Builderenables your application to seamlessly connect to a wide variety ofdata sources while retaining vendor-specific database features andnative performance. If you change databases as your company grows,the dbExpress framework simplifies switching between databases. Youget “out of the box” native high speed connectivity for MicrosoftSQL Server, InterBase, DB2, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, Firebird, andadditional connectivity via ODBC. RadPHP and Embarcadero Prismprovide database connectivity to InterBase and other databases viaPHP and .NET database connectivity standards.
Use Amazon and Azure Cloud services
RAD Studio’s RAD Cloud components make it easy to use cloudservices from Amazon and Microsoft Azure. Delphi and C++Builderinclude easy to use VCL and FireMonkey components for cloud datastorage and access of blobs, queues of messages and tables onWindows Azure as well as Amazon Simple Queue Services, AmazonSimple DB, and Amazon Simple Storage Service.
Here are some key features of “RAD Studio”:
– FireMonkey Application Platform for cross-platform applicationsthat run on Windows (both 32 – and 64-bit), Mac OS X, and iOS.
– VCL supports 64-bit Windows and 32-bit Windows.
– The Delphi RTL now supports Mac OS X and both 32-bit and 64-bitWindows.
– Cross-platform application development.
– Mac OS X Application Development.
– Two cross compilers for Mac OS X:
– Delphi (DCCOSX.EXE, the Delphi Cross Compiler for OS X).
– C + + (BCCOSX, the C + + Cross Compiler for OS X).
64-bit Windows Cross-Platform Application Development (for Delphionly).
– Delphi 64-bit cross compiler (DCC64.EXE, the Delphi 64-bitCommand Line Compiler).
– DataSnap Connectors for Mobile Devices (Android, Blackberry, iOS,and Windows Phone).
– LiveBindings in RAD Studio, the new data binding feature thatsimplifies your programming work with VCL and FMX
– Save time with visual, component-based development
– Get a complete developer toolbox
Installer Size: 7161 MB
Download Links > Embarcadero RAD Studio XE8.1 Architect v22.0.19908.869 + Crack