RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker 3.2.11 Keygen Serial


Software Description: RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker 3.2.11 – Design CD And DVD Labels Cracked

RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker is a professionaland useful program for making all types of labels and simple andprofessional labels for CDs and DVDs. This application has a set ofready-made and standard-sized patterns that you can use and editwith some creativity and easily print them on compact slides. Infact, if we look more closely at designing compact disc tags,you’ll find that the size of these images is very accurate andrequires prior knowledge. But this program has made it possiblewith its tools and patterns. Also, with this software you cancreate beautiful and eye-catching coveralls for your CDs and DVDs.It gives you all the necessary design features, and you are able toYou’ll be able to create your favorite project in the shortesttime. It supports A5, A4, A3, and HP printers, Canon, Epson andmore.

Installer Size: Not Available

Download Links : RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker 3.2.11 – Design CD And DVD Labels Cracked

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