Download Great Barcode Generator v2.1 Full Crack


Software Description:

Great Barcode Generator is expert tool tocreate and print standardized, professional quality barcode imagesand labels effortlessly in minimal steps. Generator instantlycreates single and number of barcodes comprising defined values andconveniently prints by using ordinary, thermal and barcode printerswith optimum quality for different layouts and pre defined labels.Great Barcode software is designed with user friendly interfaceincluding intuitive toolbar to create professional barcodesfrequently in two basic steps and save them as projects. Tool alsoretains convenient provision to save values and images separately.Barcode Software can download bar label tag images for labelling orlabel of product as per requirement, moreover it can save barcodesoftware generated images in Image format with various extensionssuch as JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF and many other.

Barcode Software offers convenient way to create optimized barcodesby using commonly practiced more than 26 barcode fonts such as Code39, EAN, UPC and others with additional information like Item Name,Id etc in format of Text Above, Text Below. Application integratesoption to choose measuring scale either in cm or inches and applymultiple settings and formatting in height, width, color,text-fonts, bars, spaces, margins and lots of others.

Great Barcode Generator is competent tool to create number ofsingle and sequential list of barcodes with any font for variousindustries. Application acquires datasheet to view list value in aglance to create and edit easily as per requirement. Generatorimport values from Excel or Text file to create barcodes withdefined values and also compliant to export values in text or exceldocuments for reuse.
Great Barcode Generator is highly proficient to print numerousbarcodes precisely in single attempt with optimum quality by usingany ordinary, thermal or printer. Program flawlessly printsmultiple within same page or separately along with defined valuesand format including text, width, height, margin, color etc.Generator is completely versatile tool and retaining print previewfunctionality to make adjustments and resizing before print withdifferent labels such as Avery, Apli, Aone, Ace and others.
Barcode Software provides facility to save barcodes as highresolution images in different graphic formats like jpg, jpeg, gif,bmp, tiff, exif, emf and many more. The Barcode Generator Softwarealso facilitates copy image to clipboard with high resolution DPIfor the use in various Windows applications such as Excel, Word,Paint etc. It is not only a reliable way to read encodedinformation accurately but also helps in inventory control andreduces deployment cost.

Installer Size: 7.77 MB

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