Software Description:
Continuing the tradition of increasing the number of meritHyperWorks with each release, the HyperWorks 12.0further developed software: AcuSolve 12.0 and solidThinking 9.0
AcuSolve-package for the calculation of hydrodynamic problems (CFD)and multidisciplinary zadach.Blagodarya AcuSolve appearance, thecapacity of the solver HyperWorks, allowing designers and engineersof all skill levels an opportunity to solve the problems of gas andfluid dynamics. AcuSolve allows engineers to solve the mosttime-consuming and complex task, in particular, the problem ofunsteady flow and the interaction of liquid and solid structuresand to obtain reliable results.
solidThinking-pack for 3D modeling and visualization. Theseadditions increase the already impressive suite of modelingplatform HyperWorks. Further expansion of HyperWorks will occur dueto a growing list of partner solutions HyperWorks. Partnersolutions available to customers HyperWorks, licensedHyperWorks.
FE solver RADIOSS to HyperWorks 12.0 can perform new types ofanalysis, including the determination of the spectral density ofcomplex eigenvalues ??and mode shapes for pre-loading, as well asto material and geometric non-linear implicit analysis. RADIOSSprovides breakthrough performance with advanced technology, whichincreases the speed and accuracy of detailed explicit modeling.
HyperWorks 12.0 modernize FE modeling and visualizationcapabilities union HyperMesh and HyperView in one solution. Inaddition, significant improvements have helped to create theappearance of an even easier to use interface.
In HyperWorks 12.0, HyperMesh in expanded opportunities forcreating a grid for acoustic problems, the opportunity to visualizethe three-dimensional shell and beam models.
Also in the HyperWorks now includes new collaboration tools thatprovide the ability to work outside the organization. These updatesare tightly integrated with applications HyperWorks, provides anintuitive experience to manage personal and shared data andprocesses without leaving the familiar environment HyperWorks.
Hundreds of other improvements and enhancements make the mostversatile version 12.0 release of HyperWorks to date. A completelist of new features, improvements and enhancements HyperWorks 12.0can be found at HyperWorks.
– The module organization of input data, splitting patterns, use ofmaterials itp
Performs fast and efficient decomposition of the originalmodel.
Can be run in different “environments” for different solvers.
– The module is calculating the dynamic impact and collisions.
OptiStruct and RADIOSS
– Solvers of structural and non-linear problems. May be running outof a shell or separately.
HyperView and HyperView Player
– The module visualization and postprocessing.
HyperStudy and HyperStudy DSS
– The module performance optimization and multivariateanalysis.
HyperGraph and HyperGraph 3D
– Postprocessors with great potential.
MotionView and MotionSolve
– Viewer and solver for problems of kinematics and dynamics.
Fully compatible (directly or inversely) with MSC.ADAMS, ADM isable to cheat and ACF files from ADAMS!
Installer Size: 2356 + 5200 + 3750 MB
Download Links > Altair HyperWorks Desktop v13.0.115 x64 + Crack