Software Description: Tarma InstallMate v9.76.0.6538 Crack
Tarma InstallMate was designed to createstand-alone software installers for Microsoft Windows platforms,with a small distribution size, a straight forward and clean userinterface, and smart install and uninstall behavior.
Requires no scripting; includes an intuitive and comprehensivedevelopment environment with extensive preflight checking to suitnovices and experts alike.
Here are some key features of “TarmaInstallMate”:
Intuitive development environment:
– An easy to use development environment with clearly subdividedproject sections and pages, plus extensive help and toolbars.
Wide range of installation items:
– You can install files, folders, shortcuts, registry keys andvalues, INI file values, environment variables, file extensions,COM and DCOM classes and servers (including ActiveX controls), typelibraries, and services, with a comprehensive range of options.
Option- and component-based installation:
– Product Options are pieces of functionality that the user canselect for installation in a tree-like structure, while componentsare groups of installation items defined by the developer that mustbe installed or removed together.
Windows Mobile installer support:
– You can create Windows Mobile installers from any InstallMateproject, and install the resulting .cab files when your mainproduct is being installed.
Small and fast:
– InstallMate distribution packages are small, fast, and haveexcellent compression, making your installation packages as compactas possible, thus saving download time and disk space.
Extensive preflight checking:
– More than 450 different preflight checks spot potential problemsbefore you deploy your installation.
Fully editable installer action sequences:
– You have complete control over the installer’s actions, even tothe point that it’s not an installer at all, but, for example, aCD-ROM AutoRun menu application.
Fully editable installer dialogs and dialog sequences:
– Using the built-in dialog editor, you can completely redefine anyand all dialogs in the installation wizard, add any dialogs thatyou need, or even remove all of them completely.
Flexible symbolic expressions:
– Symbolic expressions can be used for many purposes, includingfile and folder paths, registry paths, system and runtimeinformation, and of course general text that must be easilyreplaceable. Our runtime functions offer even morepossibilities.
Comprehensive language and localizationsupport:
– Virtually any piece of text that is visible to the user can belocalized, including, but not limited to: dialogs, messages, fileand folder names, shortcut titles, and registry data. You can builda single installer that includes all languages, or separateinstallers for each language from a single project. The InstallMatedevelopment environment, its project files, and the Tarma nativeinstallation database and Setup program are Unicode-based from theground up to ensure that all localization remains intact. (ForWindows 95, 98, and Me, an ANSI-based Setup program is supplied,which uses the same Unicode installation database.)
Add-on and update installers:
– Add-on and update installers allow you to install and removeupdates and add-on packages separately from the main application’soriginal installation, while still allowing the main application tobe uninstalled together with all its dependants.
Extension DLLs:
– You can extend the functionality of the installers by creatingyour own extension DLLs.
Installer Size: 9.17 MB
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