Software Description:
CARA VR the much-anticipated new plug-intoolset for the NUKE® family of compositing, editorial andfinishing products—helps you to create incredible live-actionvirtual reality content.
With a specialised toolset that includes headset review, CARA VRdramatically speeds up the challenging and often tedious process ofstitching and compositing 360° video footage, so you have more timeto focus on creating high-quality immersive experiences.
Camera rig solving
Easily solve and refine camera position, rotation, focal length andlens distortion parameters inside NUKE. With presets for popularcamera rigs including the Freedom 360 and Nokia OZO, plus supportfor custom camera rigs, CARA VR™ can handle footage from any 360°video shoot. In addition, Python scripting support lets youautomate camera solving and access rig data for other tasks.
CARA VR’s GPU-accelerated Stitcher lets you create a high-quality360° stitch for both mono and stereo output directly in NUKE. Builton the disparity technology in OCULA, CARA VR creates a seamlessstitch without artifacts such as lines and ghosting, even on movingscenes. Split apart the stitch to make manual adjustments onindividual camera views if needed, quickly export STMaps and UVmaps, and easily share stitch setups between artists.
Correction and color matching
Auto exposure settings or environment lighting can cause exposureand white balance differences between cameras, resulting indistracting visual mismatches. With CARA VR, you can automaticallycorrect these differences during the stitching process, producing asingle exposure across all cameras with minimal manual adjustment.With a unified exposure, you can produce subtle lighting effects,for example by animating a change in gain over time.
360° tracking and stabilization
With a specialised feature-point tracker optimised to handledistortion and continuity at the edges of lat/long images, you cantrack and paint or merge directly on stitched 360° footage. Trackand stabilize footage during or after stitching to remove excessmotion in order to produce a more comfortable, dynamic VRexperience without compromising quality. Stabilization data fromNUKE’s built-in Camera Tracker can also be used as part of theworkflow.
VR compositing workflows
CARA VR offers a GPU-accelerated toolkit that speeds up compositingtasks by providing the ability to use NUKE’s full set ofcompositing tools directly on 360° material, including built-innode toolsets that make it easy to quickly roto, paint and track. Anew Spherical Transform node lets you work with rectilinear,lat/long, cube map and fisheye projections, change between them atany time, and export in your choice of format for delivery. Inaddition, you can apply any convolve or blur effect across the 360°material.
360° stereo rendering and slit-scan shader
The version of NUKE’s ray trace rendering engine included with CARAVR offers additional support for stereo lens models, together witha slit-scan shader that can control the depth at the poles in 360°footage, resulting in a more pleasant VR viewing experience whenlooking up or down. The depth falloff can be controlled to matchcommon stitching and rendering patterns, ensuring consistentresults across the post pipeline.
Headset review
With support for popular VR headsets, you can preview your projectin NUKE’s viewer and while playing it back from NUKE STUDIO’stimeline, without the need to export to a separate reviewapplication. CARA VR includes support for the HTC Vive and OculusRift CV1 on Windows and the Oculus Rift DK2 across Windows, Mac andLinux operating systems.
Installer Size: 114.61 + 118.14 MB
Download Links : CARA VR 1.0v2 for Nuke 9.0/10.0 + Crack