Kolor Autopano Video Pro v2.5.3.400 x64 Cracked


Software Description:

Autopano Video Pro – Stitch and create 360°videos automatically. Autopano Video is a video-stitching softwarethat lets you assemble multiple videos into a single one thatcovers up to 360×180°. Easily create immersive 360° videoexperiences.
Autopano Video Pro lets you assemble several videos into a singleone covering up to 360 x 180 degrees. The user interface isdesigned to ease your workflow: drag and drop your source videos,choose a stitching template (including GoPro template) or launch adetection from scratch, use Autopano Pro or Giga to adjust yourreference panoramas and click on Render.

Autopano Video Pro uses GPU processing for faster renderingtimes. If you have time constraint you can use GPU rendering whichis on average 10x faster than CPU rendering, depending on yourconfiguration. Compatible with all graphics cards.

Here are some key Features of”Autopano VideoPro”:
Drag and drop interface and timeline
Use the user friendly drag n drop feature of Autopano Video toimport your videos. The new timeline of Autopano Video lets yousplit your 360° video, apply different settings on each part of thevideo and add transition effects.

Stitching based on Autopano
Autopano Video analyzes the individual movement of each camera todefine the best possible synchronization. How? SIFT algorithmincluded in Autopano has been mathematically proven as the best inthe world for recognizing control points between images.

GPU processing for faster rendering times
Constrained timing? Use GPU rendering. Compatible with all graphicscards. On average 10x faster than CPU rendering, depending on yourconfiguration (Autopano Video Pro only).

Produce a standard video out of the 360° video
The director’s cut is the tool that allows you to create a standardvideo from a 360-degrees video. Over time, modify and add smoothtransitions to projections, crop zones, orientation, views,etc.

Horizon and Stitch are separated tracks
“Horizon” and “Stitch” tracks allow to compute new stitches withoutlosing all the work you did to keep a straight horizon over thetime. This improves a lot the production workflow. Another greatimprovement is the ability to see in real time the RMS at eachframe of the video.

Better results for videos with not enoughdetails
The stitching on a selection allows to stitch on a sequence of thevideo, using the best instants for each video pair automatically.This function gives very good results for videos with not enoughdetails.

Managing parallax
The new Mask timeline track is a powerful tool to deal withparallax problems. It contains states like other timelines. Themask track allows to benefit from all the power of the Autopanomasking tool.

Handle stereoscopic videos in a very friendlyway
Autopano Video Pro is now able to handle stereoscopic videos thanksto a new interface. Assign each video source to an output eye.Render without the need of creating manual masks.

It’s so easy to import!
Importing video streams has never been so easy: the GoPro importerdetects and imports the right video files from your SD cards.

Director’s cut mode
The director’s cut is the tool that allows you to create a standardvideo from a 360-degrees video. Over time, modify and add smoothtransitions to projection, crop zones, orientation, views, etc.

Adaptive stitching
You have the ability to see in real time the RMS at each frame ofthe video. Due to inevitable parallax with close objects in every360° video capturing system, getting a perfect render requires thestitching to be adjusted to the scene over the time.

Range stitching
The range stitching gives much better results especially for videoswith not enough details (underwater content for instance). Thestitching on a selection allows to stitch on a sequence of thevideo, using the best instants for each video pairautomatically.
Masking edition
The new Mask timeline track is a powerful tool to deal withparallax problems. It contains states like other timelines. Themask track allows to benefit from all the power of the Autopanomasking tool.

Installer Size: 154 MB

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