VMProtect protects code by executing it on avirtual machine with non-standard architecture that makes itextremely difficult to analyze and crack the software. Besidesthat, VMProtect generates and verifies serial numbers, limits freeupgrades and much more.
Serial Numbers
The Ultimate edition of VMProtect allows to add serial numbers tothe protected application with minimal efforts. The feature issupported by PayPro Global e-commerce provider, so you even don’tneed to setup your own serial number generator (of course, you cando that if you really need). Licensing feature allows to limit theperiod of free updates, set the time of life of serial number,prevent the code execution without serial numbers and much more.Any serial number can be blocked and newly protected files will notaccept it.
User Interface
VMProtect features two modes of the user interface: simple andexpert. Simple mode allows to easily pick functions for protection,adjust options and get the protected file with just a few mouseclicks.
“Mutation” protection method
Mutation is a replacing the source code instructions with theiranalog (or a certain instruction sequence), that give the sameresult as the source code. It is the fastest yet simplest way ofsoftware protection. Quite useful when you need to hide thesignatures of third-party libraries used in your code. For exampleif hacker knows that you use a well-known SHA-1 implementation, hemay attack it, instead of your code. Mutation allows to hide thepresence of the library.
“Virtualization” protection method
Virtualization is the process of translating executable code intoinstructions of a virtual machine with the different architecture,that is unknown to a potential cracker. Virtualized parts of thecode are executed by the interpreter (virtual machine) withoutbeing converted into native machine code. Generally, thereengineering of virtualized code requires the study of virtualmachine architecture first, then it requires the creation of adisassembler that understands that architecture. Both processes arequite time-consuming and stops a great deal of crackers. Each timeyou protect the application, VMProtect generates a completelydifferent set of virtual machines, so even if a cracker finallyunderstand an architecture of the particular virtual machine, hehas to start from the very beginning for the second protectedprocedure of the same file.
“Ultra” protection method
Ultra combines virtualization and mutation methods to make theprotection even better. The protected code is being mutated firstand then the result is virtualized.
License Management
You can add the support of serial numbers to your application withminimal efforts. VMProtect provides a robust API that allows topass a serial number to VMProtect’s internal module and then checkits state.
Lock code to serial number
This feature allows to prevent the execution of some code by theadditional encryption. The key is not present in the protectedapplication and the code can be encrypted only when the serialnumber is entered. However, even after that, the code is stillvirtualized, so there is no way to dump it after entering a validserial number. This is an essential feature for creating demoversions of software.
Watermark is an unique sequence of bytes that can be added to aprotected file. It allows the unambiguous identification of thelegal owner of the cracked software copy.
Virtual Files
Virtual Files feature allows to bundle files inside the mainexecutable, so your application with its plugins become a singlefile. This is useful for portable applications or if you want tohide the usage of some file or dynamic loading library.
Supported Files And Formats
VMProtect supports both 32 and 64-bits executable files,dynamically loaded libraries and drivers. This includesscreensavers, Active-X components, BPL libraries and other files inPE-format. Protected files are run on almost any version ofWindows, even old Windows 95! However, licensing feature requiresat least Windows 2000. VMProtect doesn’t support .NETexecutables.
File Size: 63 MB
Download Links : VMProtect Ultimate v3.0.9 Build 695 + Crack