StreamBox Ripper is a handy and co mpact toolthat can convert, rip or equalize your music files or CD’s. You canconvert any RM, MP3, WAV and WMA file format using the batchconversion tool.
Batch conversion tools also enables you to change the bit rate ornumber of channels for the resulting audio file. CD wizard helpsyou in ripping Cd’s in single click.10 band equalizer enables theuser to adjust bass boost or treble using moving slides.
You can simply enhance your music with the help of StreamBoxRipper.
Here are some key features of “StreamboxRipper”:
– Convert MP3, WAV and RM files to WAV, MP3, WMA (user selectable)using the batch conversion tool.
– Rip audio CD to MP3, WAV or WMA in single click.
– Add tags or title to the music file.
– 10 Band equalizer to customize bass boost and treble boost.
– Built- in encoder helps you to change bit rate and audiochannels.
– Play back feature with the timeline to preview the music filetaking place in the conversion.
StreamBox Ripper is simply the best and compact tool ever made foraudio encoding.
Setup+Crack Size: 0.676 MB
Download Links > Streambox Ripper 2009 + Crack