Download OptiCut Pro-PP v5.24h Crack Patch


Software Description: OptiCut Pro-PP v5.24h Cracked

OptiCut is a panels and profiles cuttingoptimization software, based on a powerful multimode, multiformat,and multimaterial algorithm. OptiCut features grain direction, trimcuts, plated edges and pre-cuts, stoks and reusable falls, panelsturnaround, and parametric labels. OptiCut’s import and exportfunctions are compatible with all major spreadsheets (MicroSoftExcel, etc …), and with most cabinet design softwares (PolyBoard,TopWood, Obvie, KitchenDraw, etc …). OptiCut’s universalPost_Processor is compatible with most CNC saws. OptiCut isavailable in a multilingual version (Turkish, Chinese, etc …), andis used in over 30 countries.

Here are some key features of “OptiCut”:
– OptiCut is based on a powerful and parametric algorithm, with 6predefined optimization modes (Fast, Standard 1 & 2, Advanced 1& 2, and CNC optimized). Only Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 modesenable panels turnaround.
– OptiCut optimizes mixed materials cutting lists. For eachmaterial, OptiCut takes into account all available panelsformats.
– OptiCut identifies plated edges and their thicknesses, anddisplays either net (cutting) or finished (plated) dimensions. Theedge fields may also be used to optimize pre cuts.
– OptiCut’s stock may be up-dated after each optimization. Fallsabove minimal dimensions are considered as reusable, and will beadded to the stock with a depreciation factor.
– After each optimization, and as a complement to the cutting maps,OptiCut prints a global summary including :
Technical data, such as quantities, linears, and rates,
optimization financial costs.
– OptiCut optimizes also profiles cutting lists, using the sameparameters as for panels.
– OptiCut prints profiles cutting maps, as well as gobal summaries,and labels.
– The OptiCut turnaround function enables main cutting directionchanges (horizontal or vertical) within the same cutting map.Theses changes, which increase panel handling, also improve fallsquality, and sometimes allow panels savings.
– The OptiCut integrated Post_Processor function translates cuttingmaps into the main CNC saws languages and formats.

Installer Size: 3.7 MB

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