Download CPUCores v1.6.0 Full Crack


Software Description: CPUCores v1.6.0 Keygen Serial

CPUCores is a cutting-edge Windows basedsoftware built by gamers, specifically for gamers, with 1 thing inmind: INCREASE YOUR FPS! CPUCores does this by micromanaging yourWindows OS and non-essential applications to focus your CPU powerfor 1 thing: INCREASE YOUR GAMING FPS!

Direct Steam Integration:
CPUCores automatically detects all of your Steam games. It alsoautomatically integrates with Steam’s ability to launch a game. Yousimply have to run CPUCores from within Steam, select the Steamgame you wish to run optimally, then click the “START GAME” buttonwithin CPUCores. That’s it!

OS Optimizations:
CPUCores does multiple things to optimize your OS. To start,CPUCores will isolate your entire OS to your first core. Secondly,CPUCores examines and constrains key Windows services that are notessential and known to hog CPU resources. Third, CPUCores examinesand isolate key Windows processes to ensure a perfect balance ofCPU savings without starving key Windows processes.

Game Optimizations:
CPUCores will isolate and dedicate processing cores to beexclusively used by your game. In addition, CPUCores will allowgame-specific hyper-thread disabling/enabling. Further, advancedoptions allow you to be specific in what processing cores and/orhyper-threads you want you game to use (or not use).

Background / Non-Game Optimizations:
CPUCores examines what non-OS and non-game operations your PC isrunning. It will do things such as constrain non-game programs toyour first processing core. Also, CPUCores will constrain theresources used of common web browsers and flash players. So goahead, watch your favorite Twitch streams and Youtube videoswithout fear of FPS drops!

CPUCores is constantly being updated with new features,enhancements, and overall changes to maximize your gaming FPS. Onesuch change is support for Twitch streaming. With CPUCores, you canisolate OBS to specific CPU consumption, disallowing it fromrobbing precious CPU resources that your game could be using. So goahead and stream to Twitch without any unplanned FPS drops!

Installer Size: 1.75 MB

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