Unchecky v1.1.0 Keygen Serial


Software Description: Unchecky v1.1.0 Crack

If you are in the habit of testing and installing applicationson a regular basis, you probably know by now that one of the mostcommon methods used by developers to try and generate revenue is tointegrate various kinds of offers within their installers.

At this point, it is totally up to you to pay attention and todecline whatever offers you do not want, lest you end up with a newtoolbar within your browsers or a changed search engine. Or you canuse Unchecky, which can automate declining ofoffers for you.

This application installs without any issues and you can get itup and running within seconds – even though it does not actuallyfeature a traditional user interface, it runs in the backgroundwithout requiring too much RAM or CPU, or slowing down the PC.

Due to Unchecky, the next time you attempt to install a softwareutility that bundles third-party components within its installer,all its options will be expanded so you can view all the changes itoffers, and they will also be unchecked.

If you accidentally click one of the checkboxes, Unchecky promptlydisplays a warning message asking for confirmation that you indeedwant to install such a component. This behavior can be of greathelp when it comes to apps that make modifications to your PCwithout asking for your permission in the first place.

All in all, while it might not seem like it is protecting your PCsince it is not displayed in the taskbar or the system tray,Unchecky can actually ensure that you do not end up slowing downyour computer with unsolicited browsers or various apps you did notintend to install.

Installer Size: 1.33 MB

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