Download ECS FEMFAT v5.2 x64 Crack Serial


Software Description:

FEMFAT (Finite Element Method Fatigue) performsfatigue analyses in combination with all leading finite elementsystems considering a multitude of fatigue influences includingstress gradient, mean stress and various influences from productionprocesses.

Commonly used interfaces to multi-body-simulation programs,optimization and measurement systems are employed to ensure fulland convenient integration into your CAE tool chain.

At an early stage of the design process – long before time andcost consuming tests are performed – FEMFAT provides engineers withreliable information on the fatigue life of structures. Thereforeit is possible to improve critical areas and ensure weightoptimization from beginning on, which results in high gradeprototypes and consequently leads to fewer development loops.

The continuous practical usage of FEMFAT ensures its outstandingreliability. The FEMFAT simulation method and approach is based ondecades of constant correlation between fatigue life prediction andfatigue life testing in multiple internal and external developmentprograms. Engineering Center STEYR has incorporated the experiencedout of more than 500 fatigue-related projects in analyses andtestings, generating the foundation for our software engineers todevelop FEMFAT to an reliable engineering tool. This made FEMFATone of the leading fatigue analysis applications in the automotiveindustry and built the basis for its worldwide acceptance.

Efficiency and high quality are an absolute must for all ourcustomers. FEMFAT accounts for many important interacting fatigueinfluences such as material properties, notches, mean stresses,surface roughness, temperature field, plasticity, mechanical andchemical surface treatments, component sizes, special behavior ofwelding seams, spot welds, self piercing rivets, multi-axialloading and much more.

FEMFAT results can be displayed graphically using either the FEpost-processors or the FEMFAT VISUALIZER module. The result typesinclude damage, safety factors of endurance or static loads as wellas stresses, ratio and multiaxiality.

An output record file shows all relevant material data, analysisparameters and stress tensors for highly loaded nodes includingdetailed fatigue results.
Methods and verification

The methods used in FEMFAT are based on the latest scientificfindings of the German FKM-guideline, and the work ofHück/Thrainer/Schütz (synthetic S/N-curves), on the local stressstrain conception (TU-Darmstadt), on the R1MS-conception forassessment of welding seams and on ECS-proprietary methods for spotjoints. Supplementary to the statements made above, methodsapplicable to FEM were developed, such as the calculation of notchinfluence with regard to the relative stress gradient orconsideration of the interaction of different stress-tensors byusing the method of the “critical cutting plane”.

These entire hypotheses have been checked by comparing numeroustest series with fatigue analysis results and have been verifiedduring many years of practical use.

FEMFAT is a comprehensive tool that provides quick and reliableanswers concerning the design release of components.
FEMFAT combines know how from the special fields Finite ElementMethod, characterization of material properties and fatiguetesting. Its graphic user interface guides the user step by step.Very few modifications of settings are required to carry out afatigue analysis.

Installer Size: 245.81 MB

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