Download Cortona3D v6.3 Build 1111 Suite + Crack


Software Description: Cortona3D v6.3 Build 1111 Suite + Activation Crack

About Cortona3D
A world leader in 3D visual communication and publishing software,Parallel Graphics Ltd. trading as Cortona3D provides proven toolsfor transforming design data (CAD) into “Visual Know-How“ forproduct maintenance and training.

Our Cortona3D products have demonstrated that they deliverbetter knowledge transfer via rapidly created interactive 3Ddigital documents than ever before. Global leading companies suchas Boeing, Airbus, General Atomics, Pfizer, Loral, NASA, DaimlerChrysler, NIST, Volkswagen, ESA and Ford, to mention a few, haveexperienced accelerated time to market, improved revenue andproduct quality, increased organizational efficiency and lowercosts.

– Cortona3D RapidAuthor
Cortona3D RapidAuthor is a powerful cost-effective authoring suitegiving organizations the flexibility to produce all supportdocumentation such as interactive Parts Catalogs, MaintenanceManuals, Training Materials and Work Instructions.

– RapidDeveloper
RapidDeveloper is a complementary product to Cortona3Ds RapidAuthortools. It enables RapidAuthor users to customise the data importprocess and the output format for RapidAuthor projects.RapidDeveloper consists of two products; RapidConfiguration andRapidSpecification.

– Cortona2D Editor Pro
Cortona2D Editor Pro is a graphics editor that supports thecreation, modification, and rendering of layered graphic primitives(ellipse, polygon, spline, bitmap, raster). This editor allowsauthors and illustrators to edit legacy graphics or manually edit2D graphics created with Cortona3D RapidAuthor.

Installer Size: 411 MB

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