Download CSI Perform-3D v5.0.1 Keygen Crack


Software Description:

Displacement Based Design
– Traditionally, earthquake-resistant design has beenstrength-based, using linear elastic analysis.
– Since inelastic behavior is usually allowed for strongearthquakes, this is not entirely rational.
– Strength-based design considers inelastic behavior onlyimplicitly.
– Displacement-based (or deformation-based) design considersinelastic behavior explicitly, using nonlinear inelasticanalysis.
– Displacement-based design recognizes that in a strong earthquake,inelastic deformation (or ductility) can be more important thanstrength.
– PERFORM-3D allows you to use displacement-based design.

Implementation of ASCE 41
– Procedures for displacement-based design using inelastic analysisare specified in ASCE 41, “Seismic Rehabilitation of ExistingBuildings”.
– ASCE 41 applies to the retrofit of existing buildings, but theprocedures can be applied to the design of new buildings.
– PERFORM-3D implements the procedures in ASCE 41.
– However, PERFORM-3D is a general tool for implementingdisplacement-based design. It is not limited to ASCE 41.

Capacity Design
– The response of a structure to earthquake ground motion, whetherelastic or inelastic, is highly uncertain.
– Capacity design is a rational way to improve the response of astructure in a strong earthquake, by deliberately controlling itsbehavior.
– Capacity design controls the inelastic behavior of a structure,by allowing inelastic behavior only in locations chosen by thedesigner. In these locations the structural components are designedto be ductile. The rest of the structure remains essentiallyelastic, and can be less ductile.
– Controlling the behavior in this way improves reliability,reduces the amount of damage, and can reduce constructioncosts.
– PERFORM-3D allows you to apply capacity design principles.

– PERFORM-3D has powerful capabilities for inelastic analysis, butit is not intended for general purpose nonlinear analysis.
– If you have no idea how your structure will behave when itbecomes inelastic in a strong earthquake, PERFORM-3D can probablyhelp you to identify the weak points, and hence can guide you inimproving the design.
– However, PERFORM-3D is not intended for “design by analysis”,where the engineer expects the analysis to determine exactly how astructure will behave. 
– PERFORM-3D is a powerful tool for implementing displacement-baseddesign and capacity design. It will help you to produce betterdesigns, but it will not do the engineering for you.

Installer Size: 129.46 MB

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